> Good point -- perhaps orderby_on_limitby should default to False -- then 
>> the grid can simply set it to True. Actually, I wonder if the grid should 
>> go further and additionally order on primary keys even when an explicit 
>> orderby is specified (just in case the orderby field(s) do not contain 
>> unique values).
> No, it should preserve the order you set. If you know enough to set the 
> order, you can add columns to the order easily enough.

Not sure I agree with that. Users typically specify an orderby only because 
they would like the records displayed in a particular order, not because 
they are seeking to explicitly handle pagination. Let's say I'm listing US 
addresses in a grid and specify orderby=db.address.state. In that case, I'm 
saying I want addresses sorted by state, and within state, I don't care 
about the order. But I'm not saying that I want pagination to fail in case 
records from a given state happen to span from one page to the next. Just 
because I want to order by state doesn't mean I know enough to provide all 
the necessary orderby fields to guarantee proper pagination. If the grid 
does this for me when I specify no orderby, why shouldn't it do it for me 
when I do specify an orderby?


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