is the order field on grid is change? e.g. db.define_table('purchase_requisition_header', Field('purchase_requisition_no'), Field('purchase_requisition_date', 'date', notnull=True), Field('supplier', 'reference supplier', notnull=True), Field('payment_type', 'reference payment_type', notnull=True), Field('is_delivery', 'boolean'), Field('notes', 'text'), Field('is_authorized', 'boolean'), Field('status', notnull=True), Field('grand_total', 'decimal(10,2)'), format='%(purchase_requisition_no)s')
in 2.6.4 grid (the order field in grid same like the ordered field table define in models) : Id, Purchase Requisition No, Purchase Requisition Date, Supplier, Payment Type, Is Delivery, Notes, Is Authorized, Status, Grand Total In 2.7.1 grid : Is Delivery, Id, Supplier, Payment Type, Status, Is Authorized, Grand Total, Purchase Requisition Date, Notes, Purchase Requisition No how can i get the same order field in grid same like ordered field in models? thanks and best regards, stifan -- Resources: - - (Documentation) - (Source code) - (Report Issues) --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit