Hi Folks,

I am using the default setup from the book for nginx:


And my routes are using *pattern-based* system.

The question is, how can I route www.domain1.com to app1 and
www.domain2.comto app2?

nginx config in sites-enabled:

*server {
        listen          80;
        server_name     $hostname;
        ###to enable correct use of response.static_version
        location ~* ^/(\w+)/static(?:/_[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+)?/(.*)$ {
            alias /home/www-data/web2py/applications/$1/static/$2;
            expires max;

        ###if you use something like myapp = dict(languages=[en, it, jp],
default_language=en) in your routes.py
        #location ~* ^/(\w+)/(en|it|jp)/static/(.*)$ {
        #    alias /home/www-data/web2py/applications/$1/;
        #    try_files static/$2/$3 static/$3 =404;
        location ~* ^/(\w+)/static/ {
            root /home/www-data/web2py/applications/;
            #remove next comment on production
            expires max;
            ### if you want to use pre-gzipped static files (recommended)
            ### check scripts/zip_static_files.py and remove the comments
            include /etc/nginx/conf.d/web2py/gzip_static.conf;
        location / {
            uwsgi_pass      unix:///tmp/web2py.socket;
            include         uwsgi_params;
            uwsgi_param     UWSGI_SCHEME $scheme;
            uwsgi_param     SERVER_SOFTWARE    nginx/$nginx_version;

            ###remove the comments to turn on if you want gzip compression
of your pages
            include /etc/nginx/conf.d/web2py/gzip.conf;
            ### end gzip section

            ### remove the comments if you use uploads (max 10 MB)
            #client_max_body_size 10m;

Thanks in advance!


Linux User #387870
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