That works...Awesome thanks. 

On Friday, October 4, 2013 10:14:37 PM UTC+3, Niphlod wrote:
> you where trying the exact same thing on the onselect, and I left it there 
> as it was.
> If you want to send the value of the selected item as a post variable, use 
> ajax('echo', '#t_items_f_item_category', 'target')
> you'll get request.post_vars.f_item_category filled in the echo function.
> On Friday, October 4, 2013 9:52:42 AM UTC+2, Avi A wrote:
>> This test returns none:
>> def echo():
>>     return request.vars.value if request.vars else 'None'
>> On Thursday, October 3, 2013 8:18:15 PM UTC+3, Avi A wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to use the ajax function on a list , with no success so far.
>>> def echo():
>>>     return request.vars.value
>>> <select class="generic-widget" id="t_items_f_item_category" 
>>> name="f_item_category">
>>>     <option value=""></option>
>>>     {{for c in category:}}
>>>     <option value='{{}}' onselect="ajax('echo', 
>>> ['{{}}'],'target')" 
>>> >{{=c.f_category_name}}</option>
>>>     {{pass}}
>>> </select>
>>> <div id='target'></div>
>>> Thanks.

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