I need to look into this. I do not think there can be a generic
approach. Each protocol has its own quirks and some do not handle
session or authenication.


On May 17, 8:14 pm, jcorbett <jasoncorb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I love the service framework, however I am interested in being able to
> authenticate users.  With json/jsonrpc this shouldn't be too hard as
> the browser that the ajax request would come from would have the same
> session.
> Particularly I am concerned with writing an xmlrpc service that
> requires authentication.  The Auth class doesn't seem to expose any of
> the lower level logic for authentication (like a login function that
> takes a username and a password).  Any ideas on how I can do this.
> I'm not afraid of writing my own implimentation, however I would love
> to piggy back off what is already there.
> I would figure I would want to have a login function that would create
> a session key (limited lifetime), and each function would be required
> to provide that key.
> Any ideas would be appreciated.
> Jason Corbett
> BTW I love the simplicity of web2py, it took me maybe 2-3 hours to
> write a simple app that was even themed.
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