I've found my mistake. View "lista_articoli.html" was not in the "default" 

Il giorno martedì 24 settembre 2013 17:46:22 UTC+2, Gael Princivalle ha 
> Hi.
> I'm a web2py newbie.
> I'm still trying to adapt the "Image" example with products.
> Here is my db:
>     db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite',pool_size=1,check_reserved=['all'])
>     db.define_table('articoli',
>         Field('Codice_A', unique=True),
>         Field('Descrizione_Breve'),
>         Field('Produttore'),
>         Field('Path_pdf'))
> My controller:
> def lista_articoli():
>     articoli = db().select(db.articoli.ALL, orderby=db.articoli.Codice_A)
>     return dict(articoli=articoli)
> My view: lista_articoli.html
> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> <h1>Lista articoli</h1>
> <ul>
>     {{for articolo in articoli:}}
>         {{=LI(A(articolo.Codice_A, _href=URL("show", args=articolo.id)))}}
>     {{pass}}
> </ul>
> Here is what I have when I go to the lista_articoli.html page:
> Lista Articoli articoli.idarticoli.Codice_Aarticoli.Descrizione_Breve
> articoli.Produttorearticoli.Path_pdf65190106446DSE3-C35SA/11...DUPLOMATIC 
> OL...http://www.du...6400040103035600000STVU-08ABROC OIL CONT...
> http://www.hy...
> It's my previous lista_articoli.html page. I've save it but it don't 
> change.
> Can you help me ?

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