I asked for opinion on the web2py-developers list.

I like your patch but already have a machenism for this

T("welcome ## namespace")

you propose

T("welcome", ns="namespace")

The different is not just semantics. In the former case different 
namespaces go in the same file. In your case they go in different files.
Do we need both? Does it make things slower? I have not check your patch 

On Monday, 23 September 2013 02:13:10 UTC-5, jamarcer wrote:
> Hello:
> I'm Demetrio's mate, and he asked me to upgrade the T with namespaces 
> functionality into trunk (Version 
> 2.6.3-stable+timestamp.2013.
> I have added a comment into 1196 issue with a code patch and a explanation.
> https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/detail?id=1196
> I hope it will be usefull.
> Best regards.

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