Do those examples use the OFFSET paramter? I'm not sure how this
affects Oracle or PGSQL, but in MySQL this could be considered a slow
query after having 20,000+ rows and exponentially grows from there (I
know pgsql has some start-up cost performing this). May want to keep
in mind that a better alternative for pagination would be a system

Have URL() map out a paramter called 'last_seen' and store the last id
given from the query results (or you can just increment by "X" value
such as 25). Then perform a db( > [the parameter]).select
(..., limitby(thelimit)).

This way, the query performed would look like this:
SELECT [fields] FROM [table] WHERE id > [the parameter] LIMIT BY

If you have deleted entries within the DB it *will* mess up. You have
several options...
- Implement a error margin in the limit by, but during the view set a
hard limit using a counter. So if you want 25 results per page, LIMIT
BY 40 then in your view as your looping through have a variable called
"counter" increment it, once it reaches 25 then break out of the loop.
- Implement a system where it finds the first missing ID and insert
the new entry with that ID (don't recommend).
- An interesting approach would be to have a table with the original
table's name then appending it with a "_missing_ids" So if you have
the table "users" add another table called "users_missing_ids" and
then when you delete an entry from table "users" have the app store
the users ID into the missing table. Then, you can just select from
that table and inject the ID manually with the new insert row.
- Even better, have the DB handle the method above using triggers,
functions, procedures, etc. if the dbms can do that.

On May 16, 1:15 pm, virhilo <> wrote:
> maybe look at:
> and
> On 16 Maj, 18:39, Jason Brower <> wrote:
> > It would be nice to have integrated pagination, or perhaps some
> > documentation on how it's done.  And both would be a dream. :D
> > I am sure this has been brought up before, but I want to plug it again
> > as I really would like this feature in time for my thesis. ;)
> > Regards,
> > Jason Brower
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