you may be missing some bits..... on production nginx acts as a proxy 
between uwsgi and the don't need (again, usually) web2py to 
start its own webserver.... the -X switch is only useful if you want a 
single commandline to start BOTH the scheduler and the webserver, and it's 
meant to be used only in development.

Usually you'd have uwsgi serving the "web part" and a script to run the 
scheduler (hence, just -K appname) .
BTW, upstart creates logs by default that are named after the servicename, 
so something like /var/log/upstart/yourservicename.log gets created: you 
may inspect that to see what is going on your server.

On Tuesday, September 10, 2013 3:28:13 PM UTC+2, ajith c t wrote:
> ok i will try making two separate services. and which log are you checking 
> out, I maintain my custom logging mechanism. The only thing that comes in 
> it is 
> DEBUG - web2py.scheduler - defining tables (migrate=True)
> the app doesnt assign a worker in the scheduler_task table. The column 
> shows a NULL value. 
> I am using nginx, when I remove the -X parameter it results in a bad 
> gateway,
> On Tuesday, 10 September 2013 18:21:36 UTC+5:30, Niphlod wrote:
>> why don't you schedule two separate services (the webserver and the 
>> scheduler), so the issues will be easier to track down ? what's in the logs 
>> ?
>> On Tuesday, September 10, 2013 1:42:11 PM UTC+2, ajith c t wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>>       I have a scheduler in my app in the models folder with some 
>>> specific task. I need to run the app as a service in the server. I cant 
>>> figure out how to run start the web2py with the arguments.
>>> script
>>>      exec python -- /srv/tv-fe/ -K app -X --nogui -p 8000 -i 
>>> -a ''   &
>>> end script
>>> The above script is used to run the app. Upon running it , it doesnt 
>>> generate error, but the worker is not created in the scheduler_worker 
>>> table. So none of my task gets executed.
>>> Where am I getting wrong with the parameters
>>> Thanks and regards
>>> Ajith

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