Hi Anthony,
Thanks for this useful information.
I tried 
 But it evaluates to False. 
While below given line evaluates to True.
if searchform.accepts(request.vars,keepvalues=True):
I dont know why does it happens. Have I done anything wrong over here?
Could you please suggest any solution to achieve sorting and paging in this 
Thank you.

On Tuesday, 10 September 2013 16:43:22 UTC+5:30, Anthony wrote:

> You are processing the form twice:
> if searchform.accepts(request.vars,keepvalues=True):
>     searchform.process()
> searchform.process() ultimately calls .accepts() -- no need to call both. 
> The preferred method is now:
> if searchform.process(keepvalues=True).accepted:
> Also, once you load the first page of the grid, you won't be able to load 
> additional pages or do any sorting because in the controller, the grid is 
> only created within the "if searchform.accepts(...)" condition, which only 
> happens when the search form is submitted (not on other clicks within the 
> grid).
> Finally, even if the grid could be navigated, your code is re-filling the 
> temp db with the same data on every request, which is inefficient.
> Anthony
> On Tuesday, September 10, 2013 12:28:47 AM UTC-4, Gliese 581 g wrote:
>> Hi Massimo,
>> Thanks for suggesting this solution. I am now able to display a gird on 
>> my page with pagination and sorting options available. But whenever I click 
>> on page number or try to sort a column by clicking on its header, nothing 
>> happens. I get a blank page. I tried to debug it and found that when I 
>> click on any page number, post back takes place but form doesnt get 
>> validated(validation fails) and I do not get to see any grid. I am posting 
>> my code here. Please correct me if I have done anything wrong in it.
>> def index():
>>     result=None
>>     x=None
>>     searchform=SQLFORM.factory(
>>         Field('id', 'unicode',requires=empty_to_none),
>>         Field('account','unicode',requires=empty_to_none),
>>         Field('fromdate','unicode',requires=empty_to_none),
>>         Field('todate','unicode',requires=empty_to_none),
>>         Field('name','unicode',requires=empty_to_none),
>>         Field('status','integer'),
>> Field('method',requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_SET(['Method1','Method2','Method3'],
>> sort=True, zero='Select'))), 
>> Field('type','unicode',requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_SET(['Type1','Type2',], 
>> sort=True, zero='Select'))), 
>>         Field('altname','unicode',requires=empty_to_none),
>> Field('group','unicode',requires=IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_SET(['Group1','Group2',], 
>> sort=True, zero='Select'))), 
>>         Field('assignee','unicode',requires=empty_to_none),
>>         submit_button = 'Search'
>>     )    
>>     if searchform.accepts(request.vars,keepvalues=True):
>>         searchform.process()
>>         id=searchform.vars.id
>>         status=searchform.vars.status
>>         method=searchform.vars.method
>>         name=searchform.vars.name 
>>         account=searchform.vars.account 
>>         fromdate=searchform.vars.fromdate 
>>         todate=searchform.vars.todate 
>>         type=searchform.vars.type
>>         altname=searchform.vars.altname
>>         assignee=searchform.vars.assignee 
>>         group=searchform.vars.group                
>>         result=__get_objects(id, status, method, name, 
>>                   account, fromdate, todate, type, altname,
>>                   assignee, group)
>>         fields = [Field('ID'), Field('Method'), Field('Date'), 
>>                   Field('Status'), Field('Account'), Field('Name'),
>>                   Field('Amount1'), Field('Amount2'), Field('Type') 
>> ]        
>>         temp_db = cache.ram('tmp_db',lambda: 
>> DAL('sqlite:memory').define_table('mytable',*fields)._db, None)       
>>         temp_db.mytable.truncate()   
>>         for obj in result['output']:
>>             temp_db.mytable.insert(ID=obj['id'],
>>                             Method=obj['method'],
>>                             Date=obj['date'],
>>                             Status=obj['status'],
>>                             Account=obj['account'],
>>                             Name=obj['name'],
>>                             Amount1=obj['amount1'],
>>                             Amount2=obj['amount2'],
>>                             Type=obj['type'])
>>         x = SQLFORM.grid(temp_db.mytable,create=False, deletable=False, 
>>                          editable=False, maxtextlength=64, 
>> paginate=2,searchable=False,details=False)        
>>     else:
>>         response.flash = 'please fill the form'     
>>     return dict(form=searchform,result=result,x=x)
>> When postback happens due to any sorting or paging action, 
>> *searchform.accepts(request.vars,keepvalues=True) 
>> *fails and no grid gets displayed. Please help me to fix this.
>> Thank you
>> On Sunday, 8 September 2013 19:17:03 UTC+5:30, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>> You cannot unless you first load the data in a database. You can use a 
>>> temporary in memory database like this:
>>> fields = [Field('one'), Field('two'), Field('three'), ...]
>>> temp_db = cache.ram('tmp_db',lambda: 
>>> DAL('sqlite:memory').define_table('mytable',*fields)._db, None)
>>> temp_db.mytable.truncate()
>>> temp_db.mytable.insert(....)
>>> form = SQLFORM.grid(temp_db.mytable)
>>> On Sunday, 8 September 2013 05:35:13 UTC-5, Gliese 581 g wrote:
>>>> Hi Massimo,
>>>> I will try to be more specific.
>>>> I am developing a web2py application(APP1) which works on the data 
>>>> which it gets from another web2py application(APP2).
>>>> We do not have access to the database of APP2, we access their data 
>>>> through jsonrpc web services exposed by APP2.
>>>> Now, there is an API(get_objects) of APP2 which gives us a list of 
>>>> certain type of objects. APP2 internally fetch this data from its database 
>>>> and convert it to a list of specific type of objects.
>>>> I want it to be displayed in a table with sorting and paging 
>>>> capabilities. 
>>>> Can I use web2py's SQLFORM.grid to achieve this?
>>>> Please suggest me any solution.
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> On Friday, 6 September 2013 20:26:54 UTC+5:30, Gliese 581 g wrote:
>>>>>  **
>>>>> I am working on a project where we have a different subsystem whose 
>>>>> API returns a list of certain type of objects. 
>>>>> I want it to be displayed on my form. Can I use SQLForm.grid for this? 
>>>>> Please suggest.

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