On 28 Aug 2013, at 2:28 PM, Wei Wang <ww9riv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just got a chance to try this: I copied the "midash/views/default/user.html" 
> to"miops/views/default/user.html", reloaded the page at 
> "/midash/user/login?_next=/midash/default/index", my user login page shows up.
> So I guess there is a bug somewhere in the routing code.


Three requests: would you please re-post your route dictionary, and summarize 
the behavior you're seeing (including the latest, and the specific error 
messages)? This thread has gotten a little strung out...

Second, what happens if you leave off the query string ('?' and all after it)? 
I'm guessing nothing, but I'd like to check.

There appears to be a minor problem (recent, I'm guessing) with the error 
reporting as well. You're seeing the bad function properly reported, but no 
details on what appears to be a bad view (or bad view routing).

Third, look at both your controllers/ directories and make sure there aren't 
any files there that you don't expect. This is because, by default, the router 
uses the files in controllers/ in its logic.


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