On Friday, August 23, 2013 10:49:07 AM UTC+2, Marco Prosperi wrote:
> hello, I would like to track the number of user download of some files on 
> database. The approach I've thought about is:
> - when the user clicks on the filename link in the first view, myapp 
> redirects to a new page (a controller is called which register on the 
> database the new click) with 'your download should start shortly'
> - a dialog pops up to download the file
> The question is: how to pop up the download file automatically in the 
> second view?
> thanks in advance for hints,
> Marco

the only way to achieve that is by opening a window with javascript..... 
web2py.js ships with a $.web2py.popup(theurltoopen) just for the occasion, 
but it's easy to do just window.open(url, 'name of the window'). The thing 
is: do you really need an intermediate page just to count download clicks ?


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