
On Monday, August 19, 2013 7:49:03 AM UTC-4, jjg0 wrote:
> I was referring to google app engine...
> The book hasn't been very helpful
> On Friday, August 16, 2013 6:05:41 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> It all depends on how you run web2py. If you run it with thank 
>> you can pass a command line option to enable cron and then you need a 
>> applications/app/cron/crontab file. if you run web2py with apache or other 
>> server via fcgi or wsgi, than you should use the scheduler instead. This is 
>> described in some detail in the book.
>> On Friday, 16 August 2013 11:59:27 UTC-5, jjg0 wrote:
>>> I asked this in another topic but did not get any answers:(
>>> I have a table I want to update on a weekly basis and I'm trying to find 
>>> a way to have this run automatically.  I've looked around and it seems like 
>>> I can use cron for this.  I am using google app engine and their docs on 
>>> cron are different than whats in the web2py book.  After reading both I am 
>>> still lost as to what I need to do.  
>>> Should I create a cron.yaml file in the web2py folder, or do I need to 
>>> use a crontab file in the applications \cron\crontab folder?  
>>> Is a crontab something completely different?  
>>> How do I turn cron on for gae? The book says cron is off and it wants to 
>>> use some experimental schedulers instead.
>>> Are there any good examples or tutorials on how to do this?  I see a 
>>> contrab.example file comes with web2py, but it is empty.
>>> Thanks


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