Sorry now I understand. I do not have a solution other then create a 
symbolic link:

open the OSX Terminal and type

ln -s /Applications/ 

then edit the files inside /Users/<you>/Desktop/web2py_contents

On Friday, 19 July 2013 07:51:13 UTC-5, davedigerati wrote:
> Massimo, first and foremost kudos and thanks to you for leading such a 
> fabulous framework!  I am a former php'er learning python through web2py 
> and enjoying it immensely.
> I am able to find the files as you describe, but the problem is not for me 
> to find the files, but for programs.  Applications such as text editors can 
> not see these files in this way.  To them they can only see the one 
> app/package.  So normally where a program like Coda would be able to 
> 'import' all the files of a project for the designer to then edit css, html 
> code, Coda can not.
> With the number of designers on Mac I'm assuming there is a way for this 
> to work, but could not find it in google/this group/or the documentation.  
> I tried coping them outside the package to then edit them, but of course 
> they were no longer seen by the app and previewing them as raw html is next 
> to useless then.
> Basically I need to globally reset the apps views and static files path to 
> one outside the package, perform some sort of symlink magic, start 
> exploring compiling from source which I suspect will not be a tidy app and 
> editable files, or hope that someone here has already solved this;)
> Thanks!
> On Friday, July 19, 2013 4:49:48 AM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> A Mac Package is nothing but a folder with name ending in .app. Right 
>> click on it from Finder and click on "Show Package Contents". This will 
>> open the package and you will be able to browse it and edit the fields it 
>> contains, in particular Contents/Resources/applications/....
>> On Thursday, 18 July 2013 22:26:48 UTC-5, davedigerati wrote:
>>> Newbie, first app with web2py, on OS X, have tried google/group/docs and 
>>> am struggling with workflow:
>>> The Mac binary is a package so the views & static files are hidden from 
>>> the system- how are people designing front ends without pulling the files 
>>> out (which breaks previewing) ?


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