Can you show us you select and the way you make your table and view?


On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 11:02 PM, Woody <> wrote:

> I don't see 'This is a test'.  The table looks exactly the same as it does
> without the represent statement.
> It doesn't matter what I put in the represent statement, If I have:
> db_mydb.my_table.location.**represent=lambda location,row: XML(T('This is
> a test'))
> 'This is a test' doesn't appear in the table.
> It also doesn't work if I put:
> db_mydb.my_table.location.**represent=lambda location,row:T('This is a
> test').
> No matter what I put in the represent statement, my table looks the same.
>  I'm obviously doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what it is.
> On Wednesday, July 17, 2013 7:34:13 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>> I don't understand... Do you see : This is a test ?? You don't need XML()
>> for use a simple T(), XML serve to escape special caracter and accentuated
>> one, at least that my understanding. And of course there will be not change
>> (all your value will be represent with : This is a test, since you don't
>> take care of your location in your lambda.
>> I never try to pass html tag in a represent except a A() helper, but I
>> don't why it would not work.
>> You don't really need XML in the code above (virtual field), try this :
>> Field.Virtual('description_**for**matted', lambda row:
>> SPAN(row.description, _style="color:#EB0F0F;"),
>> or
>> Field.Virtual('description_**for**matted', lambda row:
>> TAG.span(row.description, _style="color:#EB0F0F;"),
>> In case there is no SPAN helper (don't remember if there is SPAN()
>> helper).
>> Richard
>> On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 5:55 PM, Woody <> wrote:
>>> 'represent' is not working for me.  Here's my code:
>>> -----------------------
>>> db_mydb.define_table('my_**table',
>>>                 Field('ROWID', 'id'),
>>>                 Field('location', 'string'),
>>>                 Field('other_field', 'string'),
>>>                 migrate=False)
>>> db_mydb.my_table.location.**represent=lambda location,row: XML(T('This
>>> is a test'))
>>> ------------------------
>>> Doesn't matter what I put in the represent declaration, the data
>>> displayed in the table doesn't change.
>>> On Wednesday, July 17, 2013 3:34:21 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>>>> represent!!
>>>> represent=lambda value, row: XML(...) if value is not None else T('N/A')
>>>> Richard
>>>>  On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 3:24 PM, Woody <> wrote:
>>>>> I have a table definition that uses virtual fields with XML:
>>>>> db_mydb.define_table('my_**table**',
>>>>>                 Field('ROWID', 'id'),
>>>>>                 Field('location', 'string'),
>>>>>                 Field('description', 'string', required=False),
>>>>>                 Field.Virtual('description_**for**matted', lambda
>>>>> row: XML('<span style="color:#EB0F0F">' + row.description + '</span>'),
>>>>>                 etc........
>>>>> So, using Field.Virtual, I can pass XML with HTML tags to a table. Is
>>>>> there a way to do this without having to create a virtual field?  In other
>>>>> words, I'd like to be able to add HTML formatting in a normal field
>>>>> definition, using XML or helper functions.
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