The talk is about tricks and tips to push forward technologies which a 
programmer finds useful within a traditional and technologically 
conservative corporate environment. He tells the story of a Ruby project 
within a corporate environment that was very hostile to changes. I have 
been in similar situations and I always ended up defeated. I have written 
programs (fully working, tested, offered at zero cost) that would have 
saved somebody $50K/year in software licenses. The CTO said: no thanks. 
Most CTO prefer a big vendor to free or in-house because are incapable of 
estimating the value and hidden costs of that and, the company ends up with 
the worst employees, those who will put up with that mentality. I can think 
of many people here who work for Java or C# shops and some times they'd 
rather use something else. I think the talks gives them useful tips.

On Sunday, 14 July 2013 11:20:25 UTC-5, David Marko wrote:
> Hi Massimo, can you elaborate more on how it is relevant to this 
> community? Do you have some ideas that come from this presentation?
> Dne neděle, 14. července 2013 18:03:06 UTC+2 Massimo Di Pierro napsal(a):
>> I think this talk is really relevant to our community, and it gets really 
>> funny after the first 19 minute.
>> Massimo


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