I don't think I was clear enough with my description.

I'm using the default auth.wiki as follows in the default controller:

def index():
    return auth.wiki()

Then, in one of the pages I created using the wiki 'create page' I'm trying 
to get a carriage return displayed.  I've tried all the think listed above, 
but can't get my address to format correctly.

I want:

John Doe
123 N Main St.
Anytown, WI  53888

When auth.wiki renders it on the page it shows up as:

John Doe 123 N Main St. Anytown, WI  53888

I can't get it to force a carriage return or new line.

I'm not running any python controller code to do anything.


On Sunday, July 7, 2013 4:28:19 PM UTC-5, Alan Etkin wrote:
> Just started playing with auth.wiki today and am creating some pages.  I 
>> want to force line breaks (new line) in some of my text but can't seem to 
>> find the way to make it work.
> You mean you want markmin to add <br/> tags to the output? Then you'll 
> have to pump those lower case letters
> >>> print m
> <p>ONE <br /> TWO <br /> THREE</p>
> >>> m = MARKMIN("ONE [[newline]] TWO [[newline]] THREE")
> >>> print m
> <p>ONE <span class="anchor" id="markmin_newline"></span> TWO <span 
> class="anchor" id="markmin_newline"></span> THREE</p>


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