Do you use firefox and firebug?

You can use the javascript console there to display to you any errors that 
might be occurring in your javascript.  You may have an issue earlier on in 
your page (with javascript) that is preventing the execution of your stuff 
later on.


On Thursday, June 27, 2013 10:26:56 AM UTC-5, Tom Russell wrote:
> So If I do something like:
> jAlert('This is a custom alert box', 'Alert Dialog');
> and nothing shows up, could it be that the jquery lib is not being made 
> available?
> On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Tom Russell 
> <<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> k thanks I will try that
>> On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 10:58 AM, Jim Steil <<javascript:>
>> > wrote:
>>> I'd try putting some alert() messages in to try to trace the flow and 
>>> check the values of variables.
>>> On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 9:53 AM, Tom Russell 
>>> <<javascript:>
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Thats weird, now it will not hide the the field but has no effect 
>>>> either when you check the checkbox.
>>>> On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 12:11 AM, Jim S < <javascript:>>wrote:
>>>>> Try this, you need brackets for your if statements in javascript.
>>>>> jQuery(document).ready(function(){
>>>>>  jQuery('#no_table_mothers_name__row').hide();
>>>>>  jQuery('#is_newborn').change(function(){
>>>>>    if(jQuery('#is_newborn').attr('checked')) {
>>>>>      jQuery('#no_table_mothers_name__row').show();
>>>>>    } else {
>>>>>      jQuery('#no_table_mothers_name__row').hide();
>>>>>    });
>>>>>  });
>>>>> });
>>>>> On Wednesday, June 26, 2013 9:09:00 PM UTC-5, Tom Russell wrote:
>>>>>> I cannot seem to get some jquery code to work right and not sure why. 
>>>>>> Basically when I click a checkbox I want another field to appear below 
>>>>>> that 
>>>>>> one.
>>>>>> This is my form code:
>>>>>> @auth.requires_login()
>>>>>> def register_patient():
>>>>>>     mark_not_empty(db.patient)
>>>>>>     mark_not_empty(db.emergencycontacts)
>>>>>>     mark_not_empty(db.dependents)
>>>>>>     db.patient.medical_record_number.default = 'KND' + 
>>>>>> str( + '0000' + str(random.randrange(1, 9999999+1))
>>>>>>     db.patient.medical_record_number.writable = False
>>>>>>     form=SQLFORM.factory(db.patient, db.emergencycontacts, 
>>>>>> db.dependents)
>>>>>>     fs0=form[0][:27]     #patient rows
>>>>>>     fs1=form[0][27:38]   #emergency contacts
>>>>>>     fs2=form[0][38:42]     #dependents
>>>>>>     fs3=form[0][-1]     # submit row (last)
>>>>>>     form[0]=TABLE(
>>>>>>     FIELDSET(TAG.legend("Patient Info"),TABLE(fs0),_id="register0"),
>>>>>>     FIELDSET(TAG.legend("Emergency Contact 
>>>>>> Info"),TABLE(fs1),_id="register1"),
>>>>>>     FIELDSET(TAG.legend("Dependents"),TABLE(fs2),_id="register2"),
>>>>>>     TABLE(fs3))
>>>>>>     if form.process().accepted:
>>>>>>         id = db.patient.insert(**db.patient._filter_fields(form.vars))
>>>>>>         form.vars.patient=id
>>>>>>         id = 
>>>>>> db.emergencycontacts.insert(**db.emergencycontacts._filter_fields(form.vars))
>>>>>>         id = 
>>>>>> db.dependents.insert(**db.dependents._filter_fields(form.vars))
>>>>>>         #form.vars.dependents=id
>>>>>>         # and get a list of all persons
>>>>>>         redirect(URL('manage_patients'))
>>>>>>     style = STYLE(""".not_empty {color:#d00;}""")
>>>>>>     return dict(form=DIV(style,form))
>>>>>> My html code:
>>>>>> {{left_sidebar_enabled=True}}
>>>>>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>>>>>> {{block left_sidebar}}
>>>>>>               <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
>>>>>>               <!-- <li class="active"><a href="#">Admission</a></li> 
>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>               <li><a href="physician">Home(Physician)</a></li>
>>>>>>               <li><a href="frontdesk">Home(Front Desk)</a></li>
>>>>>>               <li><a href="nurse">Home(Nurse)</a></li>
>>>>>>               <li><a href="lab">Home(Lab)</a></li>
>>>>>>               <li><a href="radiology">Home(Radiology)</a></li>
>>>>>>               <li><a href="pharmacist">Home(Pharmacist)</a></li>
>>>>>>               <li><a href="cashier">Home(Cashier)</a></li>
>>>>>>               <!-- <li class="nav-header"></li> -->
>>>>>>               <li><a 
>>>>>> href="/patient/default/manage_patients">Patients</a></li>
>>>>>>               <li><a href="tasks">Task Lists</a></li>
>>>>>>               <li><a href="appointment">Appointment</a></li>
>>>>>>               <li><a href="order">Order</a></li>
>>>>>>               <li><a href="consumables">Consumables</a></li>
>>>>>>               <li><a href="prescriptions">Prescriptions</a></li>
>>>>>>               <li><a href="immunization">Immunization</a></li>
>>>>>>               <li><a href="laborders">Laboratory Orders</a></li>
>>>>>>               <li><a href="radiologyorders">Radiology Orders</a></li>
>>>>>>               <li><a href="patientaccounting">Patient 
>>>>>> Accounting</a></li>
>>>>>>               <li><a 
>>>>>> href=URL('admin','default','index'),>Admin</a></li>
>>>>>> {{end}}
>>>>>> <h1>Register Patient</h1>
>>>>>> {{=form}}
>>>>>> <script>
>>>>>> jQuery(document).ready(function(){
>>>>>>    jQuery('#no_table_mothers_name__row').hide();
>>>>>>    jQuery('#is_newborn').change(function(){
>>>>>>         if(jQuery('#is_newborn').attr('checked'))
>>>>>>             jQuery('#no_table_mothers_name__row').show();
>>>>>>         else jQuery('#no_table_mothers_name__row').hide();});
>>>>>> });
>>>>>> </script>
>>>>>> And this is the info from the page source showing the id's for what 
>>>>>> fields I am working with:
>>>>>> <tr id="no_table_is_newborn__row"><td class="w2p_fl"><label for="
>>>>>> no_table_is_newborn" id="no_table_is_newborn__label">Is Newborn: 
>>>>>> </label></td><td class="w2p_fw"><input class="boolean" id="
>>>>>> no_table_is_newborn" name="is_newborn" type="checkbox" value="on" />
>>>>>> </td><td class="w2p_fc"></td></tr><tr id="no_table_mothers_name__row
>>>>>> "><td class="w2p_fl"><label for="no_table_mothers_name" id="
>>>>>> no_table_mothers_name__label">Mothers Name: </label></td><td class="
>>>>>> w2p_fw"><input class="string" id="no_table_mothers_name" name="
>>>>>> mothers_name" type="text" value=""
>>>>>> I think I have the right code for the jquery but nothing happens when 
>>>>>> I try this.
>>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>>  -- 
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