Yes, renaming the form to "register" did the trick. Thank you.

On Friday, June 7, 2013 1:11:23 AM UTC+2, Anthony wrote:
> I think the form processing within the auth.register() function is 
> probably failing because you have renamed the form to 's_registration', and 
> it is expecting a form named 'register' (it uses the formname to check the 
> _formkey value in the session). If the form doesn't get accepted, it 
> doesn't get to the redirect logic.
> Anthony
> On Thursday, June 6, 2013 6:59:51 PM UTC-4, lesssugar wrote:
>> Right, thanks. But what about the "next" attribute? What might be the 
>> reason of the argument not working?
>> On Friday, June 7, 2013 12:53:35 AM UTC+2, Anthony wrote:
>>> auth.register() automatically processes the form, so you should not 
>>> subsequently call request_form.process().
>>> Anthony
>>> On Thursday, June 6, 2013 6:21:52 PM UTC-4, lesssugar wrote:
>>>> After user registers, I would like to redirect them to a different URL, 
>>>> let's say default/index.
>>>> Auto-login in is set to False.
>>>> In my controller I have this:
>>>> register_form = auth.register(next=URL('default', 'index'))
>>>> register_form.update(_class='formstyle', _name='s_registration')
>>>> if register_form.process().accepts(request.vars, 
>>>> formname='s_registration'):
>>>>     auth.add_membership(group_id=1, 
>>>> )
>>>> return dict(register_form=register_form)
>>>> So after user registers, no redirection takes place. However, the 
>>>> registration itself is correct (checked auth_user and auth_membership in 
>>>> the DB).
>>>> Any suggestions why "next" argument does't get the job done?
>>>> UPDATE:
>>>> If I add "redirect(URL('default', 'index'))" in the IF condition (code 
>>>> above) - all goes fine. What's with the "next" argument then?


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