Hello everyone.

I'm new to web2py and I have a question about customizing fields in 
SQLform.grid. Probably the most frequently asked question for you :)

Let me describe what I want to do:

There is a table consisting of the following columns:

id | min_time | max_time | execute_time | level_warn | lastdate

These values - runtime SQL-script from database Firebird:

min_time - the minimum execution time
max_time - maximum execution time
execute_time - the actual execution time

If execute_time <= min_time, then level_warn = 1
If execute_time> min_time <max_time, then level_warn = 2
If execute_time> max_time, then level_warn = 3

Finally, a question:

How to make depending on the value of level_warn, table cell that contains 
the value, color codes?
For example,

level_warn = 1, color - green.
level_warn = 2, color - yellow.
level_warn = 3, color - red.

My controller is as follows:

def temp ():

    response.view = 'temp.html'
    db.TEMPER_RC.id.readable = False
    sort_order = [db.TEMPER_RC.id]
    headers = {'TEMPER_RC.name': 'RC'
               'TEMPER_RC.min_time': 'Min. time, min. '
               'TEMPER_RC.max_time': 'Max. time, min. '
               'TEMPER_RC.execute_time': 'Act. time, min. '
               'TEMPER_RC.level_warn': 'alarm level'
               'TEMPER_RC.lastdate': 'Time Check'}
    grid = SQLFORM.grid (db.TEMPER_RC,
                      user_signature = True, deletable = False, headers = 
                      editable = False, create = False, paginate = 30, csv 
= False,
                      maxtextlength = 31, orderby = sort_order, ui = 
    return locals ()



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