I can't replicate the issue you're having. That syntax works. Check again 
your code ....

BTW: it's quite a strange model. you want the language to be unique in the 
first table. In the second one you reference the first table (that is 
unique by definition) with a non unique reference, but then you compute a 
field to be unique.......if this is not a cut/paste just to show us a 
possible problem and is in fact your underlying model, I'd advise to 
rethink to it :P

On Monday, May 27, 2013 3:53:03 PM UTC+2, Matteo Luperto wrote:
> Hi, I want to compute a field based on the value of another field, which 
> is a foreign key, in a way similar to: 
> db.define_table('language',
>     Field('language', 'string', required = True, unique = True, length = 
> 64),
>     format='%(language)s'
> )
> db.define_table('problemsHere',
>     Field('language', 'reference language', required = True, unique = 
> False),
>     Field('otherField', 'integer'),
>     Field('computedField', 
>                         length=32,
>                         unique=True,
>                         writable=False,
>                         readable=False,
>                         compute=lambda row: db.language(row['language']).
> language)
> )
> I've tried both syntaxes from this similar 
> question<https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/web2py/x53LPKqRpgI>but
>  none of them seems to work for me. The computedField is always set to 
> "None". 
> Does anybody knows a way to access a foreign key in a computed field, 
> solving my problem?
> Thank you in advance,
> ~Matteo


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