Not sure why the Javascript isn't working -- perhaps the Bootstrap modal 
code is interfering. Maybe use the browser developer tools to see if the 
click handler is getting registered and called at all.

> vcard=response.render(view='vcard/vcard.vcf',org=org,n=n,fn=fn,jobtitle=jobtitle,address=address,telecom=telecom)

That's an incorrect call of response.render(). There is no "view" keyword 
argument. If you want to give it an explicit view, you have to pass it as 
the first positional argument. Optionally, you can also pass in a 
dictionary as a positional argument. All keyword arguments are assumed to 
be variables to that are to be added to the view execution environment. So, 
in the above, view='vcard/vcard.vcf' is just adding a "view" variable to 
the view execution environment. Because you are not actually setting an 
alternate view, it will use the default view for the request. You want:

                      org=org, n=n, fn=fn, jobtitle=jobtitle, address=
address, telecom=telecom)


                      dict(org=org, n=n, fn=fn, jobtitle=jobtitle, address=
address, telecom=telecom))



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