I can't seem to get the gmaps plugin to work.

I have this in the model:

from gluon.storage import Storage

plugin_gmap.represent=lambda row: '%(db.t_kiinnostuneet.f_lat)s 
%(db.t_kiinnostuneet.f_long)s' % row

This is my controller:

def index():
    width = request.vars.width or 400
    height = request.vars.height or 300
    rows = db(db.t_kiinnostuneet.id>0).select()
    for row in rows:
        row.plugin_gmap_popup = 'foo' #plugin_gmap.represent(row)

The page is https://www2.olka.fi/kiinnostuneet/default/kartta  where you 
can also see from the source what my view is like. 

This might be an issue with the API key, but I have re-generated it and 
even created a new project in Google apis just for this. As far as I 
understand, all I have to do is to go the project's API Access page and 
copy the key under the "Simple API Access" section. 

This plugin really should be updated to v3. I tried to use v3 (based on 
Margaret's tips) but couldn't get that to work either.


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