On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 4:40 PM, Yarko Tymciurak <yark...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ok - now it works in chrome! ;-)
> Can we get iPython (e.g. completions) working with it?
> Also - would be nice to have it come up in a separate page (so you can
> still look at your code, while  going to a different tab and running test
> lines on shell)

this would also help, since there is no "back" button (well, the browser

... as for "in separate window" --- I guess it's easy enough (and works) to
just open it in a separate tab / window;


In firefox, I logged out; I cleared cache & cookies;
I confirmed I was NOT logged in: I went to

BUT if I copy  into the
browser, I have a shell...

WAIT - it works in Chrome, but NOT in firefox!?!!  .... that's a first!

I get NO return / reponse in firefox from shell on windows.... even after I
logged into admin... and went to shell from there...  strange...

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