Maybe it would be more clear if you can provide some code...
But if I have understood your question, you can add a a text in "tip" 
property. This text will be shown when your mouse is over the event.
Here is an example

events: [
            {{for i,row in enumerate(rows):}}{{if i!=0:}},{{pass}}
                    tip: "THIS TEXT WILL BE SHOWN ON MOUSE OVER",
                    title: '',
                    allDay: false,
                    {{if row.start_datetime:}}
                        start: new Date('{{=row.start_datetime()}}'),
                    {{if row.end_datetime:}}
                        end: new Date('{{=row.end_datetime()}}'),

Le lundi 6 mai 2013 18:23:50 UTC+2, Doug Girard a écrit :
> I am using some of the code from the AppointmentManager appliance to 
> include FullCalendar in my application. I want to use 'onmouseover' from 
> jquery to show some data associated with the events that are displayed on 
> the calendar. Where would I add my code for that? Would it be in the view 
> under " for i,row... "?
> I hope I've made myself clear.
> Thank you!


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