On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 5:26 PM, David Marko <dma...@tiscali.cz> wrote:
> Such a great piece of code!!  Thanks. Its very close but page scope should be 
> bound to specific instance of page so it works also in situation when you 
> open the same page in several browser tabs. It must be independent.

Didn't understand that.

Just thinking out loud....

Maybe, if you have an SQLFORM you can use the formkey to create a
unique scope in session for that page "instance",
but all the interaction with the page must be via POST.
Or create your unique id for the scope and pass it back and fourth via POST.
Or serialize all the vars you want, HMAC them and pass them around
also via POST.

I never used .Net and I really don't know in detail how their
viewstate and postback works but smells and feels like it. Probably
is the same thing with Spring framework.

In Spring Framework the viewScope(or conversationScope) that you
mention, how it works?
Is it only via POST or can be via GET also?



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