I am in the process of researching ways to improve the structure of my 
web2py-app's code, simplifying usage of certain areas, and enabling 
RPC-like interface for external programs.

I use web2py for over 3 years now, and love every aspect of it - especially 
the DAL (!)

However, as the code grew larger, and as hierarchical domain-model-patterns 
started to emerge, I started to look for alternative ways of accessing and 
using the portion of the data-model that is strictly hierarchical in nature.

It is a huge controversial issue with relational-data-models which contain 
hierarchies. I don't intend to open a large discussion about this here. 
Suffice it to say, that even the most die-hard SQL lover, would admit 
it's shortcomings when hierarchies are introduces into the data-mode. It is 
an unsolved (probably "unsolvable") problem in data-model theory.

So it is no a matter of looking fot the "best" solution, because there can 
not exist such a concept - even in theory.

It is a matter of looking for the "most-fitting" set of trade-offs for the 
problem at hand.

That said, some projects are large and/or varied enough, that they *DO *include 
both *highly-relational* areas*,* *as well as* *highly-hierarchical* areas *- 
within the same data-model (!)* 

For such use-cases, a more flexible/hybrid approach is beneficial.
You don't expect to have to choose either/or relational-models 
vs. hierarchical-models - you expect your framework to include and 
facilitate support for both approaches for the same database.
You would use the relational-features of the framework for when it is most 
suited for, and hierarchical-features for when IT makes better sense.
Ideally, your framework would be built in an integrated-yet-layered design, 
that would make it easy for you to accomplish both approaches in 
a synergetic manner.

My research has led me through ZODB and SQLAlchemy, just to get a feel for 
what an ORM could provide. Aside from reading a lot and watching a lot of 
lectures about these technologies, as well as general opinions about them, 
I have also taken the time to *really go through tons of threads in this 
group about these issues. as well as the web2py documentation.*

Bottom-line, my current feelings about this issue, is that there is still 
something missing in web2py to facilitate the construction of higher-levels 
of abstractions, that are more focused on business-logic than 
database-schema. I also feel that there are "dogmatic" sentiments being 
thrown from both sides of the fence in this flame-fest fiasco.
I think this hurts us - a lot.

I think a more constructive approach would be to acknowledge that there are 
different use-cases that can benefit from different approaches, and that 
this leads to opposing opinions regarding certain trade-off that are being 
sought after.

I think that web2py has taken an approach that is still too narrow-minded 
when it comes to supporting multiple-approaches, and that a layered-design 
could be beneficial here.

Case in point, the philosophy and design of SQLAlchemy:

Now, just to be clear, I think that the web2py-DAL's API is much cleaner, 
simpler, and more easy and fun to use than SQA's API, at least for the 
SQL-Expression layer. But I also think that SQA's is a more flexible 
approach - it can target a more varied set of use-cases.
Contrary to most of what I've read about SQA in this group, it's ORM is NOT 
mandatory, nor is it a "necessarily" more-restrictive/less-performant way 
of using the database. I think most criticisms I've seen here of it, are 
ill-informed, and have a somewhat "prima-facie" smell to them. They mainly 
attack the ORM concept in it's Active-Record form, which is NOT what SQA 
has. They also don't consider the layered-architecture of SQA, and compare 
the DAL with different implementations of ORMs that ARE more restrictive 
and obtuse, "assuming" that this is probably what SQA does, when in fact it 
is not. They compare the DAL to SQA's ORM, which is a fundamental 
mistake(!) The DAL is not comparable to SQA's ORM layer, but to it's 
SQL-Expression layer(!) These API's are almost identical in what they do - 
only the interface is different. So I could very well refer to SQA's 
SQL-Expression layer, as being SQA's DAL.
SQA's ORM is something different, that to my knowledge, web2py is lacking. 
It is a layer "on-top" of it's DAL, while "using" it's DAL, as well as 
lower-layers, in an integrated fashion.
In short, SQA is NOT a single-layer ORM (!)

Now, what I think is missing, is something comparable to SQL's ORM in 
web2py - another layer on-top of it's DAL. Not a set of classes, but a 
single abstract-class meant to be inherited from. There are many operations 
that can be automated when constructing an ORM layer on-top of web2py's 
DAL, using the DAL's already-existing schema information. These could 
benefit the construction of ORM classes using the DAL.
Examples for such benefits could be seen in the second part of this talk:
** This is an almost 3-hour talk from PyCon 2013, covering most aspects of 
SQA that even the most experienced users of it might be unfamiliar with - 
it is fast-paced and highly condensed, and well-worth the time to sit 

These automations, I predict, would emerge as recurring-patterns for people 
trying to implement such a thing in web2py, and what I am looking for, is 
an integration-abstract-layer with tools (in the form of abstract-methods) 
that would facilitate the design and implementation of ORM classes using 
the DAL.

I don't have a clear conception of how such a thing would look like, I just 
have a general idea that such a thing would be most beneficial in many 
use-cases for which that DAL by itself is insufficient.

I feel that the fear of having such a layer "restrict" 
future development by locking-down the business-data-model are unjustified. 
Refactoring can still occur later-on, and should occur with minimal effort 
by the developer using web2py - the framework should support and facilitate 
these kinds of refactoring scenarios, with appropriate auxiliary methods in 
the form of adapter/proxy design-patterns. If the ORM-abstract-class's 
design is built up-front using such patterns, than this would facilitate 
refactoring, and thus avoid scarring-off developers from using it.
It should also facilitate performance-optimizations, by way of a 
transactionally-aggregating queries and updates/inserts automatically.
Optionally, this abstract-class would be meant to be 
"multipally-inheritted-from", using the mix-in pattern. This way, a 
developer can have a separate class-hierarchic dealing with 
pure-business logic, to keep separation-of-concerns between database-usage 
and domain-logic, and also to enable re-use of code for other DAL's if 
needed (i.e, in a python-client that talks to web2py via rpc).

These are all just ideas, and perhaps I am missing some things - maybe such 
capabilities already exist in some other form that I am unaware of.
I would appreciate any references to such uses, if they already exist.

(e.g - I am not too clear about lazy-tables and computed-fields, but I 
think they are an interesting start in this direction - I just haven't used 
them yet, as we are still using an older version of we2py that does not 
include them)


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