you can't forge the browser standard behaviour..... if the page is the 
result of a POST, hitting "refresh" will always re-issue a POST. 

On Saturday, April 20, 2013 2:50:30 PM UTC+2, David Ripplinger wrote:
> How do I make it so that the form does not resubmit upon clicking the 
> browser reload button even when the form has errors, but still display the 
> errors? I just hate form resubmissions popping up ever. Nobody ever uses 
> that "feature" of browsers intentionally.
> On Tuesday, September 28, 2010 12:52:16 AM UTC-4, mdipierro wrote:
>> When you say "refresh the page" you mean you "click the reload 
>> button". That causes a form re-submission. 
>> To prevent it, redirect(URL()) after form.accepts(...) 
>> On Sep 27, 11:31 pm, Audra Rudys <> wrote: 
>> > Hi all, 
>> > I'm new to web2py and just dipping my toe in with a simple posting form 
>> (2 
>> > fields, a summary and description, displays form and the previously 
>> > submitted values below -- date posted, summary, description.)  I notice 
>> that 
>> > after posting, my summary and description are cleared out in the form, 
>> > however, if I refresh the page, the last post I had gets reposted, 
>> resulting 
>> > in duplicates.  I have a validator on summary and description so if 
>> they're 
>> > blank, it doesn't allow the user to post with the submit button, but 
>> this 
>> > doesn't kick in with refresh.  Is there a trick for stopping this, 
>> wouldn't 
>> > want these duplicates in a live application database. 
>> > 
>> > By the way, kudos to all the developers/folks working on web2py, what a 
>> > great framework!  Can't wait to use more of its functionality! 
>> > 
>> > Thanks, 
>> > Audra


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