
First, thanks Bruno to share your experiments with python-rq, redis and
queing stuff...

I would like to know if this is the way to go over Scheduler for emails
shippement (around 200 emails each time once or twice a weeks)?



On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 6:23 AM, Ricardo Pedroso <rmdpedr...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 10:02 PM, Niphlod <niph...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > PS: on the web2py process side, it seems that at most 10 connections are
> > istantiated with Redis: is there a connection pool?
> I guess, because you are running the web server with 10 threads.
> python redis by default use a connection pool... see below
> > On the worker side, instead, I noticed that each job generates a new
> fresh
> > connection to Redis: is this expected ?
> I guess because, before starts a work, RQ forks a process.
> This is how understand it, I may be wrong:
> If a request for a connection is in a different process a new empty
> connection pool is created.
> If the request for a connection is in the same process but none connections
> is available python redis starts another one.
> If someone knows more details, please share.
> This is the relevant bits I guess, on how python redis manage the
> connections:
>     def _checkpid(self):
>         if self.pid != os.getpid():
>             self.disconnect()
>             self.__init__(self.connection_class, self.max_connections,
>                           **self.connection_kwargs)
>     def get_connection(self, command_name, *keys, **options):
>         "Get a connection from the pool"
>         self._checkpid()
>         try:
>             connection = self._available_connections.pop()
>         except IndexError:
>             connection = self.make_connection()
>         self._in_use_connections.add(connection)
>         return connection
>     def disconnect(self):
>         "Disconnects all connections in the pool"
>         all_conns = chain(self._available_connections,
>                           self._in_use_connections)
>         for connection in all_conns:
>             connection.disconnect()
> Ricardo
> --
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