Yes we can pass Paramenters. check this out.

         Ovidio Marinho Falcao Neto
                 Web Developer
               83   8826 9088 - Oi
               83   9336 3782 - Claro

2013/4/12 Rahul <>

> Hi Ovidio,
>        Thanks for this great resource. I have a few questions - Can we
> pass queries to this plugin? Can we select fields that we want for
> reporting? The wrapping thing works well with this plugin.
> Rahul.
> On Thursday, April 11, 2013 4:47:44 PM UTC+5:30, Ovidio Marinho wrote:
>> PDF paths are hard, so we tried some practical solutions. See this
>> appreport. 
>> After long searching found something that can permanently solve these
>> problems that fpdf, pisa, geraldo bring us in doing pdf.
>> I think you, as I found the solution.
>> {{}}'s
>>          Ovidio Marinho Falcao Neto
>>                  Web Developer
>>                83   8826 9088 - Oi
>>                83   9336 3782 - Claro
>>                         Brasil
>> 2013/4/11 Rahul <>
>>> Hi All,
>>>         I am having a few problems with my code to generate proper PDF
>>> reports. Basically I have the same problems with reportlab so i am giving
>>> pyfpdf a try -
>>> *Problems:*
>>>    1. Long text (example *description *in below code) does not fit in
>>>    the boundaries. It does not wrap to next line it just exceeds the page
>>>    width - please see sample report attached.
>>>    2. I cant make zebra strips (alternate line/row color) to work
>>>    properly here
>>>    3. The HTML output does not work (I have the view
>>>    rep_open_issues.html - no data)  [Live Demo for HTML pyfpdf does not work
>>>    Ex - this url - 
>>>  Throws error -
>>>    *invalid view (default/listing.html)*
>>> Here is my code -
>>> def rep_open_issues():
>>>     response.title = "Open Issues"
>>>     head = THEAD(TR(TH("Ticket",_width="**15%"),
>>>                     TH("Sub Cateogry",_width="20%"),
>>>                     TH("Severity",_width="15%"),
>>>                     TH("Description",_width="50%")**,
>>>                     _bgcolor="#A0A0A0"))
>>>     foot = TFOOT(TR(TH("Fair Price - Good Day",_width="100%"),
>>>                     _bgcolor="#E0E0E0"))
>>>     querysql = (""" Select ticket_no, sub_category, severity,
>>> description from issues where status='Open' and
>>>     created_by='"""  + logged_in_user )
>>>     try:
>>>         allissues = db.executesql(querysql)
>>>     except: pass
>>>     rows = []
>>>     for issue in allissues:
>>>         mycounter = []
>>>         mycounter.append(issue)
>>>         i = len(mycounter)
>>>         col = i % 2 and "#F0F0F0" or "#FFFFFF"
>>>         rows.append(issue)
>>>     # make the table object
>>>     body = TBODY(*rows)
>>>     table = TABLE(*[head,foot, body],
>>>                   _border="1", _align="center", _width="100%")
>>>     if request.extension=="pdf":
>>>         from gluon.contrib.pyfpdf import FPDF, HTMLMixin
>>>         # define our FPDF class (move to modules if it is reused
>>> frequently)
>>>         class MyFPDF(FPDF, HTMLMixin):
>>>             def header(self):
>>>                 self.set_font('Arial','B',15)
>>>                 self.cell(0,10, response.title ,1,0,'C')
>>>                 self.ln(20)
>>>             def footer(self):
>>>                 self.set_y(-15)
>>>                 self.set_font('Arial','I',8)
>>>                 txt = 'Page %s of %s' % (self.page_no(),
>>> self.alias_nb_pages())
>>>                 self.cell(0,10,txt,0,0,'C')
>>>         pdf=MyFPDF()
>>>         # first page:
>>>         pdf.add_page()
>>>         pdf.write_html(str(XML(table, sanitize=False)))
>>>         response.headers['Content-**Type']='application/pdf'
>>>         return pdf.output(dest='S')
>>>     else:
>>>         # normal html view:
>>>         return dict(table=table)
>>> Not  much is changed here- I know, i may be missing a few tricks. Please
>>> help me fill the same
>>> As a Ref - I checked this thread ["Re: How to Generate the effective
>>> report by using web2py"] in google groups but without much resolution.
>>> Please suggest.
>>> Thanks Rahul
>>>  --
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