What if you delete that file?

On Thursday, 11 April 2013 12:31:15 UTC-5, Carl wrote:
> With an update to appengine, all is still fine when running web2py locally.
> but if I run dev_appserver then on start-up I get the following kicked out 
> at the console...
>  File "F:\wp\TestEnvoy\web2py\gluon\contrib\gql.py", line 5, in <module>
>     from gluon.dal import DAL, Field, Table, Query, Set, Expression, Row, 
> Rows, *drivers*, BaseAdapter, SQLField, SQLTable, SQLXorable, SQLQuery, 
> SQLSet, SQLRows, SQLStorage, SQLDB, GQLDB, SQLALL, SQLCustomType, gae
> ImportError: cannot import name *drivers*
> *
> *
> \contrib\gql.py exists for backward compatibility.
> This looks like I've tripped up somewhere really simple. Can anyone point 
> me in the right direction?


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