Well, you will definitely need javascript... :)
As i linked you before
that's the very begining of your solution.

waTR napsal(a):
> Well, this is something that is not something that should require
> javascript. I am just looking to validate the page upon a link being
> clicked.
> Lets say I have 3 menu items at the top of a page: Home, Add New, and
> Modify Current. Now lets say I am in the Modify Current page. I have
> made a few changes and now want to "Add New". However, I don't go and
> click on the "Save" button/link on the Modify Current page. I simply
> go and click on Add New. So I now need the page to understand that it
> still needs to update the DB with the values on the Modify Current
> page, even if no changes were made, before going to the "Add New"
> page.
> In addition, how does one submit a form to web2py without using the
> <form> element. I want to just create a bunch of input spaces, and put
> a button somewhere at the top, or a link that should tell web2py to
> take the data from the input fields on that page and do something with
> them... How would that be done?
> Cheers,
> On Apr 30, 6:42 am, Jason Brower <encomp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Look into jquery, it'll be easy. Have you used that before?
>> On Thu, 2009-04-30 at 15:06 +0200, Michal Jursa wrote:
>>> http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_onunload.asp
>>> Jason Brower wrote:
>>>> Sounds like more of an html jquery thing.  What are you wanting to do in
>>>> particular?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Jason
>>>> On Wed, 2009-04-29 at 21:41 -0700, waTR wrote:
>>>>> I have a form with a submit button. However, I need web2py to read the
>>>>> form and perform an action not only when the person clicks on the
>>>>> submit button, I also need it to perform the action when the user
>>>>> clicks on any other link on the page.
>>>>> How can I do this with web2py?
> > 

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