For a similar project please see
It uses javascript libraries and it is simple to implement.
I didn't tested extensively so please report your feedback. 
Il giorno martedì 5 marzo 2013 18:48:27 UTC+1, LightDot ha scritto:
> I know of some users that made it work on windows, so it wouldn't be 
> enough to just check the OS. Also, if the button is hidden in case the lib 
> import fails, then new users would never see it and be reminded that they 
> can install the library and use it.
> In both cases, the button serves a cause, IMHO.
> Regards,
> Ales
> On Tuesday, March 5, 2013 6:27:09 PM UTC+1, Derek wrote:
>> Tried to 'graph models' on a windows machine, old apps get the error:
>> invalid function (appadmin/graph_model)
>> Created a new app from the wizard, clicked 'graph models'
>> pygraphviz library not found
>> Tried to install pygraphviz on Windows (after installing Graphviz), get 
>> this message:
>> Your Graphviz installation could not be found.
>> And the reason why:
>> 3) You are using Windows
>>>    There are no PyGraphviz binary packages for Windows but you might be
>>>    able to build it from this source.  See
>> So, can we have it disable the 'graph models' if you are running on 
>> Windows?
>> Thanks!
>> On Sunday, March 3, 2013 8:38:19 PM UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>> The book will be out shortly describing this version.
>>> I am sure there are some corners to iron but I could not wait any longer.
>>> Changelog:
>>> - 2D GEO API: geoPoint, getLine, geoPolygon
>>> - support for 'json' field type in DAL
>>> - schema export with db.as_json/as_xml, thanks Alan
>>> - graph representation of models
>>> - admin based on bootstrap, thanks Paolo
>>> - support for semantic versioning
>>> - new bootstrap based admin, thanks Paolo
>>> - improved scheduler (and change in scheduler field names), thanks 
>>> Niphlod
>>> - graphiz support added to adm, thanks Jose
>>> - on_failure in grid
>>> - db.table.field.abs()
>>> - better wiki
>>> - geoPoint, getLine, geoPolygon
>>> - better reporting of 500 ajax errors
>>> - better grid
>>> - improved/fixed mongodb support
>>> - improved parse_as_rest(patterns=...), thanks Denes
>>> - improved IMAP DAL support, thanks Alan
>>> - improved security when cookies in sessions
>>> - Row.as_xml, as_json, as_dict, as_yaml thanks Alan
>>> - smarted custom_import
>>> -
>>> - added support for motor and pulsar servers, thanks Niphlod
>>> - added json-rpc2 support
>>> - added driver
>>> - allow auth.settings.ondelete='CASCADE'
>>> - new syntax IS_EXPR(lambda value: ...
>>> - using google for QR codes (although Graph API will be deprecated in 
>>> 2015)
>>> - upgraded fpdf to 1.7.1
>>> - bug fixes (including issues with calendar.js and archive tables)


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