There is a grandparent (HumanLanguage), parent (DictionaryType), child 
(Word), relationship.  If I go straight from the grandparent to the child, 
"represent" works.  
(First I click on HumanLangages, then I click on Word)

If I go from the parent to the child, I get this message: <type 
'exceptions.TypeError'> <lambda>() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
(First I click on HumanLangages, then I click on DictionaryType, then, I 
click on Word)

If I reduce the number of parms to db.Word.dictionaryTypeID.represent = 
lambda id: db.DictionaryType(id).dictionaryName, then it works if I go from 
the parent to the child, but if I go from the grandparent to the child, I 
get <type 'exceptions.TypeError'> <lambda>() takes exactly 1 argument (2 

If a join was allowed, it would solve the problem but I think they are not 
supported in smartgrid. 

Any ideas would be much appreciated,



On Friday, February 22, 2013 5:24:48 AM UTC-8, Jim S wrote:
> Depends on whether or not you want that behavior globally or not. 
>  Remember, your model gets executed on every request.  So, if you want that 
> behavior globally I'd put it there.  If you just need it for one instance, 
> put it in the controller.
> -Jim
> On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 12:20 AM, Alex Glaros <<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> It worked Jim
>> thanks so much for going through the process of writing and testing the 
>> code.
>> I'm new to web2py, is there any preference as to where that statement 
>> goes: controller or model?
>> much appreciated,
>> Alex
>> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 8:31 PM, Jim S < <javascript:>>wrote:
>>> Add this line before creating your smartgrid:
>>> db.Word.dictionaryTypeID.represent = lambda s,r: s.dictionaryName
>>> Does that help?  It worked for the trimmed down model I made...
>>> -Jim
>>> On Thursday, February 21, 2013 9:16:39 PM UTC-6, Alex Glaros wrote:
>>>> db.define_table('HumanLanguage',Field('languageName','string'),Field('forumLocations','string'),Field('comments','string'),
>>>> auth.signature)
>>>> db.HumanLanguage.languageName.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
>>>> db.define_table('Word',Field('wordName','string'), Field ('definition', 
>>>> 'string'), Field('languageID','reference 
>>>> HumanLanguage'),Field('dictionaryTypeID','reference 
>>>> DictionaryType'),Field('wordReferenceModelID','reference 
>>>> WordReferenceModel'), Field('comments','string'), auth.signature)
>>>> db.Word.languageID.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, '', 
>>>> '%(languageName)s',zero=T('choose one'))
>>>> db.Word.dictionaryTypeID.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, '', 
>>>> '%(dictionaryName)s',zero=T('choose one'))
>>>> db.Word.wordName.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
>>>> db.Word.wordReferenceModelID.requires = IS_NULL_OR(IS_IN_DB(db, 
>>>> '', '%(wordID)s',zero=T('choose one')))
>>>> ## Uses English language as standard connector between all languages. 
>>>> WordID below points to the English version of the word that is the 
>>>> standard. The reason "Is_Null" clause is there is because the first time 
>>>> the word is encountered, it won't be in the English dictionary
>>>> db.define_table('WordReferenceModel',Field('wordID','reference 
>>>> Word'),Field('dictionaryTypeID','reference DictionaryType'), 
>>>> Field('picture', 'upload', default=''),Field('comments','string'), 
>>>> auth.signature) 
>>>> db.WordReferenceModel.wordID.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
>>>> db.WordReferenceModel.wordID.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, '', 
>>>> '%(wordName)s',zero=T('choose one'))
>>>> db.WordReferenceModel.dictionaryTypeID.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, 
>>>> '', '%(dictionaryName)s',zero=T('choose one'))
>>>> ## dictionary_type_query = (db.DictionaryType.dictionaryName=='English')
>>>> ## /* need this too for wordReferenceModel */
>>>> ## Dictionary type means what category of dictionary is it? Medical, 
>>>> computer,etc.  There is one for each language.
>>>> db.define_table('DictionaryType',Field('dictionaryName','string'),Field('comments','string'),
>>>> Field('languageID','reference HumanLanguage'),
>>>>     Field('DictionaryReferenceModelID', 'reference 
>>>> DictionaryReferenceModel'), auth.signature)
>>>> db.DictionaryType.dictionaryName.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
>>>> db.DictionaryType.languageID.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, 
>>>> '', '%(languageName)s',zero=T('choose one'))
>>>> db.DictionaryType.DictionaryReferenceModelID.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, 
>>>> '', '%(DictionaryTypeID)s',zero=T('choose one'))
>>>> ## Uses English dictionary type as standard connector between all 
>>>> dictionary types. points to the English
>>>> db.define_table('DictionaryReferenceModel', 
>>>> Field('DictionaryTypeID','reference 
>>>> DictionaryType'),Field('comments','string'), 
>>>>     auth.signature)
>>>> db.DictionaryReferenceModel.DictionaryTypeID.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
>>>> db.define_table('Synonyms',Field('synonymName','string'),Field('wordID','reference
>>>> Word'),Field('comments','string'), 
>>>>     auth.signature)
>>>> db.Synonyms.synonymName.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
>>>> db.Synonyms.wordID.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
>>>> db.Synonyms.wordID.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, '', 
>>>> '%(Word)s',zero=T('choose one'))
>>>> db.define_table('PublicComments',Field('wordID','reference 
>>>> Word'),Field('comments','string'), 
>>>>     auth.signature)
>>>> db.PublicComments.comments.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
>>>> db.PublicComments.wordID.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
>>>> db.PublicComments.wordID.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, '', 
>>>> '%(wordName)s',zero=T('choose one'))
>>>> On Thursday, February 21, 2013 6:10:56 PM UTC-8, Jim S wrote:
>>>>> Can you show the model code?
>>>>> -Jim
>>>>> On Thursday, February 21, 2013 7:35:52 PM UTC-6, Alex Glaros wrote:
>>>>>> Instead of *db.Word.dictionaryTypeID* displaying (which is a foreign 
>>>>>> key in db.Word), I’d like a value from the foreign table to appear, 
>>>>>> i.e., 
>>>>>> DictionaryType. dictionaryName.
>>>>>> In the example below, when user cascades down to the Word table, it 
>>>>>> only shows db.Word.dictionaryTypeID but I’d like to add the 
>>>>>> corresponding 
>>>>>> DictionaryType. dictionaryName value to it.
>>>>>> def search_lang():  
>>>>>>    grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.HumanLanguage, 
>>>>>> linked_tables=['Word','DictionaryType'], fields = [
>>>>>>, db.HumanLanguage.languageName,, 
>>>>>> db.Word.wordName, db.Word.definition, db.DictionaryType.dictionaryName,
>>>>>>        *db.Word.dictionaryTypeID*],
>>>>>>        user_signature=False)
>>>>>>    return dict(grid=grid)
>>>>>> id<>
>>>>>> Wordname<>
>>>>>> Definition<>
>>>>>> Dictionarytypeid<>
>>>>>> 1 beaker    glass jar     1
>>>>>> Want to replace the "1" under Dictionarytypeid with value from 
>>>>>> foreign table.
>>>>>> Thanks, 
>>>>>> Alex Glaros
>>>>>  -- 
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