Yes I'm working on Windows (7 pro x64) with the default rocket webserver.
I have tried to deploy my application on my webserver (ubuntu server + 
nginx). The loading time is better but I still have to wait about 1 second 
to see the content of my component.

I did'nt know ajax_trap parameter.
So I replaced

{{=LOAD('default', 'newsletter.load', ajax=True)}}


{{=LOAD('default', 'newsletter.load', ajax_trap=True)}}

And my component loads instantly, thank you!

But I don't really understand why ajax or ajax_trap parameters change the 
duration to load a component. Can anyone explain me?

Le mercredi 20 février 2013 17:34:46 UTC+1, Anthony a écrit :
> You can submit a form with ajax=False as long as you have ajax_trap=True. 
> Still, I don't see why it should take 2-3 seconds to load. I was wondering 
> if the session was being locked by some other request (e.g., another 
> component on the page), but doesn't sound like that's the problem.
> Anthony
> On Wednesday, February 20, 2013 10:28:10 AM UTC-5, Loïc wrote:
>> No, this is the only component in the page...
>> Just to be sure, I have tried to load my component with ajax=False
>> {{=LOAD('default', 'newsletter.load', ajax=False)}}
>> In this case, the component loads instantly. (but of course I can not 
>> submit my form since ajax=False)
>> Le mercredi 20 février 2013 16:07:29 UTC+1, Anthony a écrit :
>>> That seems slow. Are there other components on the page?
>>> On Wednesday, February 20, 2013 8:46:47 AM UTC-5, Loïc wrote:
>>>> Hello All
>>>> In my application I use the LOAD helper to insert a component in my 
>>>> page. The component is a simple form that allows user to subscribe to the 
>>>> newsletter.
>>>> When I refresh the page, I see a "loading..."  message during 2 or 3 
>>>> seconds, and then my component is loaded.
>>>> As my component is very simple, I wonder if this is normal to wait 3 
>>>> seconds before loading the component?
>>>> Thank you very much
>>>> ######## View 'render_page.html' ########
>>>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>>>> {{block footer}}
>>>>     <!-- Newsletter -->
>>>>     {{=LOAD('default', 'newsletter.load', ajax=True)}}
>>>> {{end}}
>>>> ###############################
>>>> ######## Controller 'default.py' #########
>>>> def newsletter():
>>>>     """
>>>>     Allows to access the "newsletter" component
>>>>     """
>>>>     form = SQLFORM(db.registered_user, _class='blueText')
>>>>     if form.process().accepted:
>>>>        response.flash = T('form accepted')
>>>>     elif form.errors:
>>>>        response.flash = T('form has errors')
>>>>     return dict(form=form)
>>>> ###################################
>>>> ######### Component 'newsletter.load' #########
>>>> <div class="newsletter pull-right">
>>>>     <div><h3>Newsletter</h3></div>
>>>>     {{if not session.REGISTERED_EMAILS:}}
>>>>         <p>{{=T('Please insert your email adress to receive our latest 
>>>> news')}}</p>
>>>>         {{=form}}
>>>>     {{else:}}
>>>>         <h5>{{=T('Registered email : %s' %(session.REGISTERED_EMAIL))}}
>>>> </h5>
>>>>     {{pass}}
>>>> </div>
>>>> <script>jQuery('input[type="text"]').css('width','100%');</script>
>>>> ##########################################


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