Martin: I've updated the web2py fpdf example addressing your issues (described bellow): (2) About unicode support, You need to pass unicode strings: u"my unicode string" (look at the u prefix). Also, you need embed a ttf unicode fonts (normal pdf fonts doesn't include support beyond latin1, so there is an additional font pack in downloads) Please see: Here is the example adapted for unicode def get_me_a_unicode_pyfpdf(): title = "This The Doc Title" heading = "First Paragraph" # to use unicode, add the u"" (and ensure your source code and text is in utf-8) text = u"blä€ß " * 10000 pdf=FPDF() # load a true-type font that support unicode, like DejaVu: # download and unzip in the private folder pdf.add_font('DejaVu', '', os.path.join(request.folder, "private", "font", 'DejaVuSans.ttf'), uni=True) pdf.add_font('DejaVu', 'B', os.path.join(request.folder, "private", "font", 'DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf'), uni=True) pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('DejaVu','B',15) pdf.cell(w=210,h=9,txt=title,border=0,ln=1,align='C',fill=0) pdf.set_font('DejaVu','B',15) pdf.cell(w=0,h=6,txt=heading,border=0,ln=1,align='L',fill=0) pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',12) pdf.multi_cell(w=0,h=5,txt=text) response.headers['Content-Type']='application/pdf' return pdf.output(dest='S') (3) If you want the html view, please add response.view = "generic.html" Anyway, you need to get the pdf view: http://localhost:8000/pyfpdf/default/report.pdf (4) again, unicode... see (2) (5) this will fail with newer versions of web2py as pdf tutorial/samples are not included. You'll need to grab a copy of logo_nb.png from the pypdf package and change the line whereit uses the image: logo=os.path.join(request.folder, "private","logo_pb.png") self.image(logo,10,8,33) (6) again, add a default view to see the html: response.view = "generic.html" (8) idem (5), you need to get the invoice.csv from the pypdf project site (9) Maybe you are using a older version of web2py, I think Massimo re-introduced .copy(), but you can take a workaround: Just replace element = element.copy() with element = dict(element) on, or better, convert rows to dicts in your app: # read elements from db elements = db(db.pdf_element.pdf_template_id==1).select(orderby=db.pdf_element.priority) # convert rows to dicts due a web2py internal change (see issue 1255) # this prevents AttributeError('Row' object has no attribute 'copy') elements = [element.as_dict() for element in elements] PS: I'm not the creator of this library (it is a port of a well-known PHP extension and similar libraries). I'm just the continuator (maintainer), and there are some new contributors too ;-) Best regards, Mariano Reingart On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 2:51 AM, Martin Weissenboeck <> wrote: > ok, I'll do it. > > > 2013/2/18 Massimo Di Pierro <> >> >> Bring it up with Mariano, author of fpdf. ;-) >> >> >> On Sunday, 17 February 2013 14:37:03 UTC-6, mweissen wrote: >>> >>> I have tried it now. These are my results: >>> >>> (1) A text like >>> >>> English: Hello World >>> Greek: Γειά σου κόσμος >>> Polish: Witaj świecie >>> Portuguese: Olá mundo >>> Russian: Здравствуй, Мир >>> Vietnamese: Xin chào thế giới >>> Arabic: مرحبا العالم >>> Hebrew: שלום עולם >>> >>> will be converted to pdf. >>> >>> (2) But there are problems with right-to-left scripts: >>> שלום עולם is written as םלוע םולש >>> مرحبا العالم is written as ملاعلا ابحرم >>> >>> (3) pdf.write_html seems to work only with latin-1 >>> pdf.write_html("äöü") is written as "äöü", but >>> pdf.write_html("äöü".decode('utf-8').encode('latin-1') gives "äöü" - as >>> expected. >>> >>> (4) pdf.write_html does not work with any "&...;" html-character >>> pdf.write_html(">") gives "#62;" >>> >>> >>> Maybe something should be improved... >>> Regards, Martin >>> >>> >>> >>> 2013/2/17 Massimo Di Pierro <> >>>> >>>> I just upgraded to the latest pfdf version (had to make a change for >>>> compatibility). Please check it. >>>> >>>> >>>> On Sunday, 17 February 2013 11:13:46 UTC-6, mweissen wrote: >>>>> >>>>> I want to use the utf-8 character set together with pyfpdf. >>>>> On there is pyfpdf >>>>> version 1.7, which supports utf-8. >>>>> But in web2py (2.3.2) in gluon\contrib\pyfpdf is version 1.54b >>>>> >>>>> Is there any reason not to use pyfpdf 1.7 in web2py? >>>>> >>>>> Regards, Martin >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>> -- >>>> >>>> --- >>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google >>>> Groups "web2py-users" group. >>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send >>>> an email to >>>> >>>> For more options, visit >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> > > -- > > --- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > "web2py-users" group. > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an > email to > For more options, visit > > -- --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. 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