Thanks I'll explore this route.

On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 7:14 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <> wrote:

> Yes I assumed both apps are written in web2py. Yet the protocol it uses is
> CAS 2.0 therefore that works even if application A is not written in web2py
> as long as it suports CAS 2.0.
> Another possibility is, if application A runs under apache, to use the
> server access control to delegate authentication to web2py (application B).
> For this look into web2py/scripts/access.wsgi.
> On Sunday, 17 February 2013 19:10:43 UTC-6, Amber Doctor wrote:
>> Hi Massimo,
>> I'm going to explore this option more.  Just a quick question though.  It
>> seems like both application A and B need to be web2py.  Is that true?
>> Application A isn't a web2py application.
>> Also I learned more about the client's criteria -- they mostly just want
>> a form on application A's website that has a username and password blank.
>> On submit it redirects to a web2py application, authenticates the
>> username/password and leaves the user logged in and at a page of the web2py
>> application.  Will the method you described handle this or is there a
>> better method?
>> On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 5:22 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <
>> > wrote:
>>> Hello Amber,
>>> You do not need to reinvent the wheel for this. Web2py can do it out of
>>> the box.
>>> Application B. No special code. Just any web2py application that uses
>>> Auth and exposes the normal default/user action.
>>> Application A. Use decorators like @auth.requires_login() as normal but
>>> change
>>>    auth = Auth(db)
>>> into
>>> auth = Auth(db,cas_provider = 
>>> '**applicaiton_B/default/user/cas 
>>> <>**')
>>> You can read more about this here:
>>> If the two applications have different domains you need to add a line
>>> like this in application B.
>>> auth.settings.cas_domains.**append('application_A_domain.**com')
>>> On Sunday, 17 February 2013 12:43:28 UTC-6, Amber Doctor wrote:
>>>> Currently I have an application (A) that redirects the user to a web2py
>>>> application (B) to log in.  I want to change it so that the application A
>>>> instead calls B with a username/password and gets back dict(user:user)
>>>> where user is the result of auth.login_bare(username,**passw**ord).  I
>>>> have made a web2py app to mock A calling B with a Post.  I have also
>>>> created the method in B to accept the data.   Controllers provided below.
>>>> When I make the call, A is correctly getting the user information based on
>>>> whether or not B is able to log in the user.  However, when I try to
>>>> navigate around application B's pages that are behind login, I'm told that
>>>> I am not logged in.
>>>> For a quick sanity check, I also created a controller marked C, that
>>>> uses the auth.login_bare and not a POST and it works to log me into B
>>>> Can anyone please provide insight into what I need to be doing
>>>> differently to allow A to log into B by passing username/password?
>>>> A
>>>> def test_remote_login():
>>>>     form = SQLFORM(db.remote_login).**proce**ss()
>>>>     if form.accepted:
>>>>         username = form.vars.remote_login_**usernam**e
>>>>         password = form.vars.remote_login_**passwor**d
>>>>         access_method = form.vars.access_method
>>>>         import httplib, base64, urllib
>>>>         params = urllib.urlencode({'username':**u**sername,
>>>>                               ****      'password':password
>>>>                               ****      })
>>>>         base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username ,
>>>> password))[:-1]
>>>>         username_password_combo = "Basic " + base64string
>>>>         headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-**urlenc**oded",
>>>> "Accept": "text/plain", "Authorization": username_password_combo}
>>>>         conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(task_**tr**acker_host_defined)
>>>>         connection_url = '/tasktracker3/default/remote_****login' +
>>>> access_method
>>>>         conn.request("POST", connection_url, params, headers)
>>>>         r1 = conn.getresponse()
>>>>         data1 =
>>>>         conn.close()
>>>>         response.flash='Accepted'
>>>>     return locals()
>>>> B
>>>> @request.restful()
>>>> def remote_login():
>>>>     def POST(username,password):
>>>>         user = auth.login_bare(username,**passw**ord)
>>>>         return dict(user=user)
>>>>     return locals()
>>>> C
>>>> def test_remote_login():
>>>>     username = request.args(0)
>>>>     password = request.args(1)
>>>>     user = auth.login_bare(username,**passw**ord)
>>>>     return dict(user=user)
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