I think this can be done in "edit" page of each record. If a record is not 
editable based on some conditions, redirect it to another page.

# In edit page of each record
if len(request.args) > 2 and request.args[-3] == 'edit':
    record = db[request.args[-2]](request.args[-1])
    if record_not_editable:

On Saturday, February 16, 2013 6:14:44 AM UTC-5, mweissen wrote:
> I want to change the value of "writable" depending on another field, 
> something like
> db.define_table('person',
>     Field('name'),
>     Field('test', 'boolean', writable=False),
>     Field('testenable', 'boolean', default=True),
>     )
> db.person.test.writable = lambda v,r: r.testenable
> This does not work because writable must not be callable.
> Any ideas?
> Maybe something like form[0]... = .... ?


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