Can you please try replace gluon/ with the one in trunk:

and see if this has been fixed already?

On Saturday, 16 February 2013 10:24:12 UTC-6, Srinath G S wrote:
> I use web2py 2.3.2
> Lets say we have a file called utility,py in modules folder.
> I try the following in controller
> import utility
> This throws up the following error.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<controller>", line 1, in <module>
>   File "<path to web2py>/web2py/gluon/", line 73, in 
> custom_importer
>     modules_prefix, globals, locals, [itemname], level)
> ImportError: No module named <app name>.modules
> Hope that helps.
> Thanks in advance.
> I write code @ Alamut
> Srinath G S
> On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 8:46 PM, Massimo Di Pierro 
> <<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Which web2py version do you have? How are you doing the import? Please 
>> show us an example. "application.modules" should not be referenced anywhere 
>> in the source since it does not exist.
>> On Saturday, 16 February 2013 06:42:56 UTC-6, Srinath G S wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> As mentioned in the subject, when I try importing any code inside the 
>>> modules forlder of the application's folder, it says,
>>> application.modules not found.
>>> I tried putting file in the modules folder. But that didn't 
>>> help.
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> I write code @ Alamut
>>> Srinath G S
>>>   -- 
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