thank you so much for your detail explaination about the differnce logic, 
according to your explaination about return so that i've modified into :

def order_callback():
    if request.vars.action=='add':
        session.order[id]=session.order.get(id, 0)+1
    if request.vars.action=='subtract':
        session.order[id]=max(0,session.order.get(id, 0)-1)
*    if request.vars.action=='remove':*
*        del session.order[id]*
*        return locals()*
    return str(session.order[id])

is the logic above is correct? i mean there is two return types in 1 
definition, is it allowed? i've already tested it, it can work same like 
using redirect, if it not correct or not allowed, should i create into the 
different definition like :

def order_callback():
    if request.vars.action=='add':
        session.order[id]=session.order.get(id, 0)+1
    if request.vars.action=='subtract':
        session.order[id]=max(0,session.order.get(id, 0)-1)
*    if request.vars.action=='remove':*
*        del session.order[id]*
*        redirect(URL('product'))*
    return str(session.order[id])

def order_remove():
    del session.order[id]
    return locals()

<table width="100%">
{{for id, qty in order.items():}}
        <td>Rp. {{=p.unit_price}}</td>
        <td><span id="{{='item%s'}}">{{=qty}}</span>
    {{=SPAN(A('+', callback=URL('order_callback', vars=dict(, 
action='add')), target='item%s', _title='Add Product', _class='btn 
btn-navbar'))}} {{=SPAN(A('-', callback=URL('order_callback', vars=dict(id=, action='subtract')), target='item%s', _title='Substract 
Product', _class='btn btn-navbar'))}} *{{=SPAN(A('X', 
callback=URL('order_remove', vars=dict(, delete='tr', 
_title='Remove Product', _class='btn btn-navbar'))}}*</td>

both are work, i've already test it.

thank you


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