"get_days" is not a valid url.  "/get_days" might be depending on your 
routing.  for the purposes of getting things working you should put in the 
fully qualified URL like



On Thursday, February 7, 2013 2:12:34 PM UTC-8, pal...@gmail.com wrote:
> Here's the top of the html file, the Javascript function and the Python 
>> file. Started using the *jsonp-2.4.0.min.js* script because it appears 
>> to handle errors better.  I've just jumped into Web2py so I don't know if 
>> I'm building the URL properly.
> This returns:
> *errMsg =Uncaught Error.*
> *undefined*
> *status =error*
> *xhr.status= undefined*
> *xhr.statusText= undefined *
> ------------------------------------------
> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> <head>
>     <script src="/amrat_dev/static/js/jsonp-2.4.0.min.js" 
> type="text/javascript"></script>
> </head>
> <input type="button" name="submit" value="Test" onclick="*getTest3(0)*;" 
> />
> .
> .
> .
> function *getTest3(type)* {
>     var $url = "get_days";
>     alert("In getTest3 before jsonp call");
> var dbugData = "";
> $('textarea#retarea').val( $('textarea#retarea').val() + dbugData );  
>     *$.jsonp({*
> beforeSend: alert("Before jsonp call"),
>         url: "get_days",
> datatype: 'json',
> success: function(json, textStatus, xOptions) { 
> alert(json.message);    //Undefined Error
> $('textarea#retarea').val( $('textarea#retarea').val() + "\ntextStatus =" 
> + textStatus );
> $('textarea#retarea').val( $('textarea#retarea').val() + "\njson.status= " 
> + json.status );
>         },
> error: function(xhr, status) {
> var errMsg;
> if (xhr.status === 0) {
> errMsg ='Not connect.\n Verify Network.';
>             } else if (xhr.status == 404) {                 
> errMsg ='Requested page not found. [404]';
>             } else if (xhr.status == 500) {                 
> errMsg ='Internal Server Error [500].';
>             } else if (status == 'parsererror') {
> errMsg ='Requested JSON parse failed.';
>             } else if (status == 'timeout') {
> errMsg ='Time out error.';
>             } else if (status == 'abort') {
> errMsg ='Ajax request aborted.';
>     } else {
> errMsg ='Uncaught Error.\n' + xhr.responseText;
>             }
> alert(errMsg); 
> $('textarea#retarea').val( $('textarea#retarea').val() + "\nerrMsg =" + 
> errMsg );
> $('textarea#retarea').val( $('textarea#retarea').val() + "\nstatus =" + 
> status );
> $('textarea#retarea').val( $('textarea#retarea').val() + "\nxhr.status= " 
> + xhr.status );
> $('textarea#retarea').val( $('textarea#retarea').val() + 
> "\nxhr.statusText= " + xhr.statusText );
> }
> });                  
> } 
> Here's the server side code:* json_test.py:*
> # coding: utf8
> # try something like
> def index(): return dict(message="hello from json_test.py")
> import sys,subprocess
> import datetime
> import gluon.contrib.simplejson
> def call2():
>   session.forget()
>   return service()
> @service.json
> def get_days():
>     return ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
>              "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]


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