It's a list:reference field then, look at the reference in chapter 6: the 
database abstraction layer

On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 2:09:50 PM UTC-7, wrote:
> Hello, I was reading about the "Links to referencing 
> records<>"  
> part in the online guide, but was confused how I would deal with custom 
> logic of inserting it to the database. The guide seems to already have the 
> values in the database to pull from. 
> If we take the person and dog database in the example, a person can own 
> many dogs, but a dog can only have one owner. 
> If we take the example one step further and say we're running an animal 
> shelter, we would have a list of people and a list of dogs, but we don't 
> have the connection between the two. If a person wants to adopt a dog, 
> they'll use a form which will have the following elements:
> Textfield for the person's name. 
> A list of checkboxes with the dog's name.
> Then upon successful form submission, the selected dogs are linked to a 
> person.
> I don't quite understand how the form is built using "form = 
> SQLFORM(db.person)" in this scenario. 
> Since SQLFORM builds its own html, how would web2py handle the dog object? 
> By default, it will probably use a textfield because the dog has a String 
> name, but what about the owner reference? Furthermore, the dog has to be 
> treated as a boolean since we are simply asking if this dog should belong 
> to the human listed on the form or not. I can't quite picture how 
> "SQLFORM.widgets.boolean.widget" 
> since a dog isn't a boolean value tied to a person. It's its own entity 
> with a name and an owner.
> The only way I can think of to solve this is to NOT use SQLFORM, but 
> rather SQLFORM.factory(). Then I would use "{{=form.custom.begin/end}}" to 
> manually format the form, create the Textfield for the person name, and 
> generate the checkboxes in a for loop given the list of dog names. When the 
> form passes basic validation with form.accepted, I would grab the person's 
> id and update the entry for all dogs that are returned checked. 
> Do I have the right idea or am I misunderstanding web2py design? Is there 
> an easier way to handle one-to-many relationships through a form?


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