I agree. I am have attempted a fix. Can you try it?

On Wednesday, 6 February 2013 01:23:06 UTC-6, Álvaro José Iradier wrote:
> I agree they should get priority over system wide modules, but not over 
> imports for files on the same directory. So in Geraldo reports, it does not 
> make sense that in the situation:
> .../site-packages/geraldo/generators/__init__.py -> from pdf import 
> PDFGenerator
> .../site-packages/geraldo/geraldo/generators/pdf.py -> PDFGenerator class 
> is in here
> .../myapp/modules/pdf.py -> Nothing to do with Geraldo
> the pdf.py from modules/ is higher priority than the pdf.py from the 
> geraldo.generators package, when being imported from __init__.py in the 
> same folder.
> This behavior could unexpectedly break any module or package just because 
> the application uses a modules/whatever.py file, "whatever" being  the same 
> name as any other package. Furthermore, in this case the error when 
> importing geraldo.generators was something like "Can not import module 
> geraldo", which is quite misleading, and it took me some work to figure out 
> what was wrong.
> Maybe the rule should apply when importing from the web2py application, or 
> using local_import, but never when importing from other module files where 
> a simple filename collision inside any package can break the module.
> Thanks.
> On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 11:24 PM, Massimo Di Pierro 
> <massimo....@gmail.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> The rule is that if something is imported web2py should first look in 
>> app/modules/ because app-level modules should get priority else you cannot 
>> override system wide modules. So 2.3.2 is doing the right thing. This did 
>> not work well in previous versions.
>> On Tuesday, 5 February 2013 14:40:41 UTC-6, Álvaro José Iradier wrote:
>>> Recently I updated web2py from 1.99.4 to 2.3.2. Suddenly, a PDF report 
>>> stopped working.
>>> Digging into the problem, I found there is a *pdf.py* file in my 
>>> application *modules/* folder. Also, I am using Geraldo Reports in *
>>> web2py/site-packages*.
>>> Geraldo reports has the following file: *geraldo/generators/pdf.py*
>>> and the __init__.py in geraldo/generators/__init__.py does:
>>> from pdf import PDFGenerator
>>> but when doing *import geraldo.generators*, that line fails, so 
>>> importing geraldo.generators fails. It fails in 2.3.2, but works in 1.99.4.
>>> The fix has been to rename modules/pdf.py in my application to 
>>> modules/pdfreport.py, because it looks like web2py is trying to import it 
>>> in the geraldo/generators/__init.py sentence. ¿Is this the expected 
>>> behavior, or should it look in the __init__,py folder first, as it did in 
>>> 1.99.4?
>>> Thanks.
>>  -- 
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> (:=================================:)
>  Alvaro J. Iradier Muro - aira...@gmail.com <javascript:> 


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