redirect(..., client_side=True)

Instead of doing a regular redirect, that simply sends a Javascript command 
to the browser instructing it to replace the whole page with the new 


On Thursday, January 31, 2013 8:16:21 AM UTC-5, Loïc wrote:
> Thank you, but if I use "next" or "redirect" in my component's controler, 
> the redirection is done in the component, not in the page that contains the 
> component.
> For example, I have : 
> -"Page1" which contains "component1"
> If I put redirect(URL('Page2')) in my "component1"'s controller, I will 
> see:
> -"Page1" which contains "Page2"
> And I just want to see "Page2"
> Any idea?
> Le jeudi 31 janvier 2013 14:03:47 UTC+1, Lamps902 a écrit :
>> Why not use the process() method's "next" parameter? 
>> Otherwise, there's "redirect()" - 
>> On Thursday, January 31, 2013 4:18:37 AM UTC-5, Loïc wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> I have a question about my application organized as follows:
>>> *A "main" page : render_page
>>> *A component "load_newsletter". This component displays a form with an 
>>> "email" field and a "submit button"
>>> What I want to do : 
>>> When the user fill the form in my component load_newsletter, I want to 
>>> redirect the "main" page to an other page (full_newsletter)
>>> This other page contains a more complete form to add some information
>>> I don't know if I can redirect the page which contains a component, from 
>>> inside this component?
>>> Example of code:
>>> ######  View "render_page.html"  ######
>>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>>> {{block right_sidebar}}
>>>     {{=LOAD('default','load_newsletter.html',ajax=True)}} 
>>> {{end}}
>>> ###################################
>>> ######  Controller "load_newsletter"  ######
>>> form=FORM(DIV(T('Your email'), _class='blueText'),
>>>                 INPUT(_name='email', _type='email', 
>>> requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>>                 INPUT(_type='submit'))
>>>     if form.process().accepted:
>>>         # >>>>> Here I want to redirect the page which contains me to 
>>> "full_newsletter" <<<<<
>>>     elif form.errors:
>>>         response.flash = T('There was an error in the form')
>>>     return dict(form=form)
>>> #######################################
>>> Thank you for your help


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