Just trying to return an excel file on SQLFORM submission

Il giorno martedì 29 gennaio 2013 22:13:18 UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro ha 
> I do not understand what you are trying to do. If the form is accepted you 
> should probably reload, not return different data.
> On Tuesday, 29 January 2013 10:00:56 UTC-6, Luca Zacchetti wrote:
>> Hi everybody, I've a problem and need your help.
>> I have a view which contains many things including an SQLFORM.factory 
>> used to set the query for a report generation.
>> The first time I submit the form the report is correctly opened, the 
>> second time the page is just reloaded...how can I fix the problem?
>> Here is my code snippet...
>> def index():   
>>     form = SQLFORM.factory(...)
>>     if form.accepts(request.vars, session): 
>>         #report generation...
>>         response.headers['Content-Type']='application/vnd.ms-excel'
>>         response.headers['Content-Disposition']='attachment; 
>> filename=%s.xls'%filename
>>         response.headers['Content-Title']='%s.xls'%filename     
>>         return data #otherwise the file isn't opened   
>>     return locals()
>> Many thanks!


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