its more of an architectural problem than a web2py one .... to be sure that the tasks are there you may have to check for their presence on the scheduler_task table. There is the uuid column that is enforced as unique, so you can use it to query the table safely. Now, the problem is that you generally don't want to do a query at every request: you may want to look at cron's @reboot or use a little trick using cache....
lock_tasks = cache.ram('lock_tasks', lambda:, time_expire=120) if lock_tasks == #do your checks here What it does? Stores in cache for 120 seconds. Next, it checks if the value retrieved from the cache is the same one (meaning that the cache value has been refreshed in the same request) .... the code in the section will be executed at most every two minutes (always assuming that requests come along) Please mind that if you put this in models it works well for web requests, but the scheduler executes models too and every time in a fresh process, so cache.ram doesn't survive... to eliminate that issue, you may have to put this logic too if not global_settings.cmd_options.scheduler: #this piece of code is not running on the scheduler --