El lunes, 21 de enero de 2013 22:47:41 UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro escribió:
> Now I understand the problem. You want to pass an expression where a value 
> is expected. I do not believe we can support this. INSTR does not solve the 
> problem because it would not be correct to looks for substrings. In fact 
> paper.authors may contain '|12|13|' and it would incorrectly return that 
> author '2' is one of authors because it is a substring.

ok, but we can use CONCAT to append and prepend '|', that's more standard 
that instr.

> You have to do it in two steps:
> person = db(db.person.name='....').select().first()
> papers = db.paper.authors.contains(person.id).select()

But it's not a one-time query. I'm working in something like appadmin, 
tweaking smart_query and SQLFORM.grid to help the user build compund 
querys. I'd rather normalize the database.

BTW, I will come later with some ideas/questions.

Thanks again

> Massimo
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 3:33 PM, pablo....@uam.es <javascript:> wrote:
> El lunes, 21 de enero de 2013 18:56:07 UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro escribió:
>> Before we attempt to fix this. It works for me as it is with sqlite. Why 
>> does doesn't it wirk with mysql? MySQL has a LIKE operator. Wat error do 
>> you get?
> execution of:
> db(db.paper.authors.contains(person.id))._select()
> gives:
> "SELECT  person.id, paper.id, paper.title, paper.authors FROM person, 
> paper WHERE (paper.authors LIKE '%|person.id|%');"
> which I think tries to find those papers whose "authors" field contains 
> the literal "person.id", instead of the pairs (paper,person) such that 
> the person is one of the authors of the paper.
> With the modification I wrote before, it gets converted into:
> 'SELECT  person.id, paper.id, paper.title, paper.authors FROM person, 
> paper WHERE INSTR(paper.authors, person.id);'
> with a different meaning.
> I can see why using the INSTR operator on MySQL may be better but do we 
>> know it is faster?
> I haven't made any speed test, I'd go for anything that works in sqlite 
> and mysql/mariadb.
> Thanks for your attention!
>> Massimo
>> On Monday, 21 January 2013 08:55:40 UTC-6, pablo....@uam.es wrote:
>>>   Hello:
>>>   I was getting incorrect SQL from statements like:
>>> db(db.paper.authors.contains(person.id)).select()
>>> where
>>> db.define_table('paper',
>>>     Field('title'),
>>>     Field('authors', 'list:reference person'),
>>>     )
>>>   so I rewrote dal.MySQLAdapter.CONTAINS from:
>>>     def CONTAINS(self, first, second):
>>>         if first.type in ('string', 'text'):
>>>             key = '%'+str(second).replace('%','%%')+'%'
>>>         elif first.type.startswith('list:'):
>>>             key = 
>>> '%|'+str(second).replace('|','||').replace('%','%%')+'|%'
>>>         return '(%s LIKE %s)' % 
>>> (self.expand(first),self.expand(key,'string'))
>>> into:
>>>     def CONTAINS(self, first, second):
>>>         if first.type in ('string', 'text'):
>>>             key = '%'+str(second).replace('%','%%')+'%'
>>>         elif first.type.startswith('list:reference'):
>>>             return 'INSTR(%s, %s)'%(first, str(second))
>>>         elif first.type.startswith('list:'):
>>>             key = 
>>> '%|'+str(second).replace('|','||').replace('%','%%')+'|%'
>>>         return '(%s LIKE %s)' % 
>>> (self.expand(first),self.expand(key,'string'))
>>> now the above query works, but that's in MySQL, not SQLite, which 
>>> apparently does not have  a INSTR operation, despite the fact that it is 
>>> advertised!
>>> https://www.sqlite.org/lang_corefunc.html
>>> Can anybody think of a solution that works in more databases


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