I had the 2.1 and I've just updated to 2.3 (I hoped to solve the problem...)

request.vars.id is the vars from the ajax call; it works, I'm sure, 
articolo.p_p is correctly updated 

Il giorno sabato 19 gennaio 2013 18:03:34 UTC+1, palomar ha scritto:
> Other users have the same problem and, sorry but I can't find my solution; 
> i tried with readable=true and writable=true, to update all the field 
> interested in the compute function, to comment the line in DAL.py, but 
> nothing. 
> I have this table:
> db.define_table('magazzino',
>     Field('id_tipo', 'integer',default=0),
>     Field('p_p','double', default=0.0),
>     Field('pp_tot','double', writable=True, readable=True, compute=lambda 
> r: r['id_tipo']==0 and r['p_p']*1 or r['p_p']*r['id_tipo']*-1),
> )
> If I edit a row with a FORM the compute field works but if I edit it in a 
> function with ajax don't...
> def modArtPrice():
>     newPp = 100
>     articolo = db.magazzino[request.vars.id]    
>     articolo.id_tipo=articolo.id_tipo
>     articolo.p_p=newPp
>     articolo.update_record()
> what's wrong?
> s.


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