Regarding to my second question, I've found the image file stored in my 
server under applications/myapp/uploads, but its name is not myuser.jpg but 

El lunes, 7 de enero de 2013 00:26:03 UTC+1, Wonton escribió:
> Hello Massimo,
> First of all thank you very much for your help.
> I've done what you told me, to be exact:
> file_name = auth.user.username+'.jpg'
> print file_name
> row.update([
> 'upload_field'],filename=file_name))           
> Running this, it seems that everything went well. 
> The output is:
> myuser.jpg
> In the database I get this:
> auth_user.username ... auth_user.avatar
> 1                            myuser             ...  *file*
> file is a link pointing to:
> And the content of the file is ok, is the new avatar updated to the 
> database.
> But, do you know why the name is not myuser.jpg? I would like to call this 
> link directly from the mobile, and it seems that the name is generated 
> "randomly".
> And, looking at the URL /donwload/db/..., is the image stored in the 
> server or in the database? I've tried to find it in my server without 
> success.
> Thank you very much and kind regards!
> El sábado, 5 de enero de 2013 01:50:00 UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro escribió:
>> yes
>> row.update([
>> 'upload_field'],filename='yourname.ext'))
>> On Friday, 4 January 2013 00:36:31 UTC-6, Wonton wrote:
>>> Hello Massimo!
>>> I bypass the form.proccess because this is a web service used by an iOS 
>>> app. I do all frontend stuff in iOS and call this web service from the 
>>> device.
>>> And regarding to change the name of the file, is it possible?
>>> kind regards!
>>> El viernes, 4 de enero de 2013 04:11:16 UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro 
>>> escribió:
>>>> You can do
>>>> row.update([
>>>> 'upload_field']))
>>>> by why bypess form.process()? it does it for you.
>>>> On Thursday, 3 January 2013 15:57:24 UTC-6, Wonton wrote:
>>>>> Hello!
>>>>> I'm trying to implement uploading user's avatar. I've tried to follow 
>>>>> the image blog example from the book and some of the posts related to 
>>>>> this 
>>>>> issue in this forum and I'm still a bit confused and I don't know if I 
>>>>> could do certain things or how to do them.
>>>>> What I would like to achieve is this:
>>>>> -Upload the avatar and store it in the file system. The link to the 
>>>>> file will be stored in the database. As far as I know this is possible 
>>>>> with 
>>>>> Field('avatar', 'upload'). 
>>>>> But, my first doubt: could I store the image file with a custom name, 
>>>>> for example <auth_user.username>.jpg? I see that the file has a strange 
>>>>> name when it's stored.
>>>>> -I would like the image to be public, anyone could see that image in 
>>>>> any browser through its link.
>>>>> But, my second doubt: the content of the avatar field in my database 
>>>>> is a File, and when I go to that link I see the content of the file in 
>>>>> the 
>>>>> URL and don't see the image.
>>>>> Finally, my last doubt, in my web service I access the image data 
>>>>> through request.post_vars. If I print this data I get something like this:
>>>>> <Storage {'upload_field': FieldStorage('upload_field', 'myphoto_1.jpg', 
>>>>> '\xff\xd8\ ... ... ...\x04\xd9')}>
>>>>> I guess I have to store the image in the database with this:
>>>>> row.update(avatar=request.post_vars['upload_field'])
>>>>> Am I right?
>>>>> Thank you very much!


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