i don't think that GAE allows you to just read a file like that.  can we 
first verify that GAE opens and reads data from the file?

i assume this is for setting up some test data?  you may have to embed the 
image data into your python code or do a URL fetch to get the image from a 
"remote" location (which is maybe your own GAE instance).


On Wednesday, January 2, 2013 4:16:38 PM UTC-8, Bas Ti wrote:
> Hello,
> I have the following problem:
>     db.auth_user.insert(
>                             ...
>                             image = open('./sebastian.jpg', 'rb')
>                             ....
> does work locally using a mysql database.
> But if I run it on GAE the image does not exist on the server afterwards - 
> yet no error is raised.
> Any help would be very much appreciated


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